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BITE user comments - patricktw12

Comments by patricktw12

The Railway Hotel, Hampton

Forgot to precise, i left the pub the 1st august.

25 Sep 2009 10:40

The Railway Hotel, Hampton

hello, happy to answer to people they blame me but for the few they condamed me to be wrong, i have to say : NOT IN CHARGE FROM THE 15TH OF JANUARY AND JUST BACK NOW JUST NOW.means was not me behind the wheel and i was trought out because i disagreed with their policy. I love this place and the neighbours, i didn't want the people in charge to run the place like it. Sorry for this disageement everyone but wasn't me. Hope the best for the place and sorry for people they thought wrong but i will stay a french in Hampton and hope you will be more respectfull to me. ;)

20 Jul 2009 20:49

The Railway Hotel, Hampton

I just have to say to few guys they want to sit on a sofa with a working suit : " If your wife cannot sit after you, you do not have to be like it in the place". It is only a respect for people. Thanks to every builders they adopted this policy, sorry for you if you don't want to agree with it. Remember : if you don't like the place because the place start to be to much clean for you, go where you are accepted just because you spend money. Patrick ( I am not anonymous ;) )

9 Oct 2008 12:39

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