BITE user comments - missannethrope
Comments by missannethrope
love is always bizarre
'golf is a nice walk interrupted'
let's not be too harsh about the Huke's Dead.Really it's an out post of what's to come.The further north you go the sooner you come to them-the boozers of places like Raynes Pk Stoneleigh etc.Their cacophony of tellies,one-arm bandits, the clicky customers, the overpriced products the endless motorism and soccer talk.Need I go on?
Stay home citizens! the booze is cheaper , and if you have to talk to yourself at least you'll get som e common sense out of someone
Meanwhile salute J.Barley corn - who's fault it isn't for 'this day and age'.
Ms Ann Thrope
p.s.I've never spotted any 'ale' locally Localaledrinker.Give us the griff unless you think Stella, John Smith etc., are ales.
27 Jul 2007 12:01
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The Dukes Head, Beare Green
more important;does the motel still do you a non-residents'drink?
you need one the nearer you get to Bore Green and the dreaded Hukes Dead.
last I heard was, the inhabitants of planet Pluto were refusing to make welcome any earthlings from those places
Ms A Thrope
3 Aug 2007 12:16