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BITE user comments - hmmm

Comments by hmmm

The Lobster Pot, Farnham

You've probably heard many an old man saying this. Well I'm a young man and I'm going to say it too - what IS happening to the traditional english pub? The 'Lobster Pot' - or should I say 'The Cricketers' - was a nice relaxed place to have a local drink. Now, as this place has gone the way of many others in the area, if you want to have a local drink you might as well go to Threshers then sit in front of the TV. But one day even Threshers will start serving overpriced, elaborate food instead of drinks. I've no idea what the Lobster Pot's food or service is like - and I'm not falling over myself to find out. Rant Over.

10 Mar 2006 12:23

Plough, Farnham

Just reminds me of being a student - which I'm glad I'm not any more. Yes, you heard me correctly, I'm GLAD.

10 Mar 2006 12:13

The Marlborough Head, Farnham

This is more like it... Friendly barstaff, good atmosphere, great garden for the summer, live sport, live music (which may not be great, but is a good laugh). Put this on your pub-crawl list - or just stay in here all night.

10 Mar 2006 12:10

The Slug and Lettuce, Farnham

Maybe go there in the daytime if you can get a comfy seat. DO NOT GO THERE in the evening unless you want to stand in a corner straining to hear what the person next to you is saying over the god-awful music. Basically, if you like hanging round with geezers in puffer body-warmers and buckles, or if you are one, or if you like fighting with them, then this is the place for you. Otherwise, go somewhere else...

10 Mar 2006 12:04

The Coach and Horses, Farnham

The bar area looks pretty out of place when you walk in off Castle Street. The restaurant area is painted in a colour you'd more likely paint your bathroom. (Personally, I wouldn't even paint my downstairs bog that colour.)
There's plenty of better places to go in Farnham

10 Mar 2006 11:55

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