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BITE user comments - cat76

Comments by cat76

The Chevy Chase, Stratford

Alas - the Chevy has been sold and closed in June 2010. It is currently being renovated, I understand to be a hairdressers with a Russian owner. However, you know how these rumours get around - I think we'll just wait to see what becomes of it - such a shame really.

12 Oct 2010 16:13

The Chevy Chase, Stratford

sigma80 - no sorry you are wrong but again I do know who you think I am. It's amazing really that I have to be one of these women in order to put a comment on here. I can assure you that I'm not related, dating, married to or anything similar to the owners or the manager. Just a really long standing customer. If any of you want an update - I was in there St Pat's night and it's doing extremely well. The Chevy and the Cart & horses across the way now sponsor the local uni camogie, hurling, football teams. However the chevy is up for sale.

20 Mar 2010 11:48

The Chevy Chase, Stratford

I haven't been on here for so long but it's good to see all the different comments. Ok first things first, Escoffier, I'm afraid you're not the sleuth you would like to think, i'm not a singer in the Chevy or anywhere else for that matter, never have been and never will be although I think my voice is ok, no one else shares my enthusiam for my singing. If it helps,I think i may know who you think i am and it's not that i'm even trying to hide the fact, just don't want to post it on here.
Secondly, there was an application to make the Chevy a pole dancing place but it was petitioned out by nearly 500 people including the current landlord.
Apart from that everything else is ok - lol!

17 Feb 2009 13:42

The Chevy Chase, Stratford

You're right is does sound like an advert - that wasn't really my intention. I think most people will agree that when you have been a patron of a pub for such a long time and seen the different landlords come and go and see how hard each one tries to make a go of things, you feel you need to put a good word in for your local and fight their corner if you like. The pub isn't as good as when Sean White had it, it's different to when Geoff had it and better than when Ted and Jenny had it. Everyone needs to be given a chance a making a go of a business and that's all the new governer is doing and I'm just backing his determination.
It is also true that the area is a dive.

11 Jan 2008 14:19

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