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BITE user comments - Mill_Hill_Patriot

Comments by Mill_Hill_Patriot

The Rising Sun, Mill Hill

THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER......................... Good News for people who like this place as a pub, the current ignorant, crass and rude encumbent will shortly be leaving the establishment. It just goes to show that you can have the best pub in the world but if you have an idiot running it then you will never make any money. Hopefully the owner will learn from this mistake. I pity wherever in New Zealand this character ends up in. What kind of person who manages an establishment denegrates his own staff in front of customers, tells people his chef is an incompetent moron, hates the country he is working in and despises it's people ? As the saying goes "GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH". One reaps what one sews. Treat your customers like dirt and surprisingly they don't come back.

13 Jan 2008 01:09

The Bell at Mill Hill, Mill Hill

Purely for the kids in the evening but okay to stop off and have a beer (not the food) in the afternoon.

4 Jan 2008 14:05

The Bridge, Mill Hill

I used to stop off for a pint if I had just missed a train as it's handy for the station but NOW.... I would rather buy a can or a bottle from Marks and drink it on the station platform - it's a much pleasanter environment.

4 Jan 2008 14:04

The Three Hammers, Mill Hill

Large chain pub, indifferent food and beer. Somewhere to take a mob of brats as you know you won't be disturbing anyone with them.

4 Jan 2008 14:02

The Adam and Eve, Mill Hill

A vast improvement on it's former incarnation though the 'proper' beer could be better. It's gradually starting to 'feel' like a 'local'and not the morgue it used to be.

4 Jan 2008 13:59

The Rising Sun, Mill Hill

This used to be a busy and friendly locals pub in the evenings but now, largely due to the morose and miserable person in charge of the place, nearly all of the evening clientelle have decanted to other establishments in the area. The beer quality has nosedived too and the pub no longer appears in the good beer guide as a result. Nice pub, but you need to have someone running it who actually gives a damn. It's now an ideal place to go in the evening if you like your own company (though not if you fancy something to eat or drink).

4 Jan 2008 13:51

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