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BITE user comments - GNC

Comments by GNC

Owen's Bar, Southsea

This place is very much a "lads" pub, pool tables, wall to wall sport and and lung cancering amount of smoke! Not a place to go if you're after a lovely lady. Great place to get smashed while watching the footy. Atmosphere is generally friendly just never mention too loudly you have ever liked anything to do with Southampton and you're fine.

4 May 2005 16:17

The Fawcett Inn, Southsea

Probably the best name for a pub anywhere. It's just a shame they don't brew their own cider. I once told a friend that they did and he went in there and asked the barmaid for a pint of, "Fawcett Inn cider!" A poor joke I admit but hey you only live once.

3 May 2005 11:07

The White Horse, Southsea

Use to be good 5-10 years ago. During the summer it use to be packed with girls with an aversion to wearing too much...hmmm

3 May 2005 11:01

The Royal Oak, Tolworth

OK so he's not the Landlord! But it's not too important I think. The putting of Chelsea fans back in their place is what's important.

3 May 2005 10:51

O'Neills, Kingston Upon Thames

Probably go here more often than I should. On a Friday night there aren't many better options for a night out if your intention is to get totally hammered whilst listening to the resisdent singer (Andy) play good music. Usually packed, the crowd is very mixed and atmosphere is relaxed. Never go there when you're not drinking, I tried it once...never again. Be wary of the strange Chinese man who drinks coke with orange juice,especially if he's calling for his mum! Whatever you do don't ask him why! Curiosity doesn't always needs to be satisfied!

28 Apr 2005 17:11

The Norbiton and Dragon, Norbiton

Use to be my local 5 years ago and was a great pub full of paraphernalia such as the gimpy fox (stuffed fox with lower teeth well in advance of it's upper). Not sure if it still does lock in's but they used to be fun right up to the point you realise you have to be at work in 4 hours!

28 Apr 2005 17:03

The Royal Oak, Tolworth

It's alright apart from smelly/drunk bloke called Raj who can be found there from time to time. He really lowers the tone. He also has the indecency of never owning a spear! Landlord funny when taking p!ss out of Chavski fans!

28 Apr 2005 16:42

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