BITE user comments - AstonKid
Comments by AstonKid
I just had a few beers in there last night, the first time in about 40 years (I moved out of Brum in the mid 70's) and I'm glad to say I felt right at home. Very little had changed, the gents was smelly and the bar staff friendly, if a little nervous. There was a minor fight which was quickly dealt with, and there was one of the few differences I found; not that there was a fight, those happened regularly, it just happened to be between two lesbians over karaoke rights. What a great old pub. There was even a little old lady sat in the corner with her pint of stout. I'm sure she used to be there in the 60's. The Crown at the back of New Street station is a real part of the old Brummigem I knew as a teenager. Long may it remain so.
18 Dec 2011 23:43
The Larkhall Inn, Larkhall
Best beer in that end of Bath, maybe in the whole town. Courage best is superb. A very nice place to visit any time of the year. In summer the garden out back is beautiful and in winter, the log fire is just perfect. Lots of brass bits and a bunch of friendly locals. What more could you want?
18 Dec 2011 23:55