The Causeway, Audenshaw [Closed] - pub details
Address: 119 Manchester Road, Audenshaw, Manchester, Manchester, M34 5PY [map] [gmap]
Fairfield (0.6 miles), Gorton (1.2 miles), Guide Bridge (1.2 miles)
Pub facilities/features:
- Wireless internet access (provided by The Cloud)
> Current user rating: 5.0/10 (rated by 3 users)
other pubs nearby:
Fairfield Arms, Audenshaw (0.1 miles), Lazy Toad, Droylsden (0.3 miles), Fitzroy Social Club, Manchester (0.3 miles), Church Hotel, Manchester (0.3 miles), Cotton Tree, Droylsden (0.3 miles) - see more nearby pubs
user reviews of the Causeway, Audenshaw
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
No longer a pub but 'The Pearl' asian restuarant to go with the several others recently added to the area. mrBean - 6 Sep 2006 00:23 |