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The Kelly Arms, Kingston Upon Thames - pub details

Kelly Arms

Address: 2 Glenthorne Rd, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 2UB [map] [gmap]

Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 426) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras

Nearest train stations Kingston (0.8 miles), Berrylands (0.8 miles), Surbiton (0.8 miles)

Pub facilities/features:

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> Current user rating: 6.5/10 (rated by 30 users)
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other pubs nearby:

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user reviews of the Kelly Arms, Kingston Upon Thames

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

5 most recent reviews of 36 shown - see all reviews

The Kelly Arms closed permanently last year. It will never be a pub again as the building has a restrictive covenant on it forbidding it to be used as a place which sells alcohol i.e a restaurant, club, pub or bar. Another Kingston gem lost.
JDchaser - 25 Apr 2011 16:27
now closed again
baz66 - 20 Apr 2010 13:07
Zoe now drinks at the bricklayers
jackuk - 17 Jul 2009 07:41
Sadly true. The guv'nor has moved to the Fairfield Arms and the Kelly is shut, apparently for good.
rainlight - 20 Jun 2009 21:06
Someone told me the other day that this pub is closing for good and the licence has been withdrawn. Another trad pub lost.
RealMcCoy - 15 Jun 2009 09:58

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