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Newton Arms, Croydon - pub details

Address: 175 Queens Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2PX [map] [gmap]

Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 37935) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras

Nearest train stations Thornton Heath (0.7 miles), West Croydon (0.8 miles), Selhurst (0.8 miles)

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> Current user rating: 6.5/10 (rated by 2 users)
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other pubs nearby:

Victoria Cross, Thornton Heath (0.2 miles), Saints and Sinners, Croydon (0.3 miles), Lion, Croydon (0.3 miles), Fishermans Arms, Croydon (0.3 miles), Broad Green Tavern, Croydon (0.4 miles) - see more nearby pubs

user reviews of Newton Arms, Croydon

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

5 most recent reviews of 6 shown - see all reviews

Quiet right scrump

Poor old slerpy will be marking bins next

Ale and age have caught him up
brewmason - 16 Sep 2013 11:45
scrump the maggots returned.
PercySledge - 14 Sep 2013 11:36
I think this chap slerpy is a bit silly.
Why is he giving marks ot of ten for a house.
Perhaps he thinks hes on homes in the evening.
I've never been in this house so I wont give it a score.
scrump - 14 Sep 2013 11:24
Well, I went past the new front door ( central locking on, it is down town Croydon) and it looks very much like a tiny house, flats normally have a control panel full of buttons, I think.0/10, very easy to score.
slerpy - 13 Sep 2013 20:04
Oh dear, this looks like it will be flats now. Another one bites the dust!
john_the_jester - 8 Aug 2012 12:29

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