The Old Fox, Eastville [Closed] - pub details
Address: 60 Fox Road, Eastville, Bristol, Bristol, BS5 0YB [map] [gmap]
Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 3658) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras
Stapleton Road (0.2 miles), Lawrence Hill (0.7 miles), Montpelier (0.9 miles)
> Current user rating: 9.3/10 (rated by 3 users)
other pubs nearby:
Duke Of Cambridge, Bristol (0.1 miles), Coach House, Bristol (0.2 miles), Sugar Loaf, Easton (0.2 miles), Duke Of York, Bristol (0.2 miles), Lebeq Tavern, Bristol (0.2 miles) - see more nearby pubs
user reviews of the Old Fox, Eastville
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
this was the first pub i took my son to. he was 2 years old at the time! i took great delight in telling him it was the old local of dr.w g grace the great cricketer. In the early eighties the old fox was an oasis in a desert of courage and watneys outlets. Thank god for Camra and their successful campaign. My son is now 30 years of age and takes great pride in the fact that he was a patron of something so important. This old pub, overlooking the M32, is now defunct. History shows no remorse. The times and the beers were good. It was noisy, smokey and crowded - the sign of a superb boozer mrabbott - 10 Jul 2007 23:58 |
This pub WAS superb. But sadly, it has been closed for many months now, never to re-open. Sold at auction to a computer training company :o( A sad loss for Easton .... guillebaudus - 18 Jan 2005 20:47 |
A superb backstreet local, and a genuine freehouse, keeping at least 5 constantly changing beers on handpump. A friendly landlord. A quiet, conversational pub. NOTE THE PUB OPENS AT 7.30 in the evenings, and is CLOSED during August as well as Christmas/New years holidays. I enjoyed a pint of Hopback SPRING ZING on my visit on 8th March 2003 (the "coloured chap" from London with the pushbike & rucksack) No dogs. Lee - - 29 Jul 2003 13:16 |