Leonardo's, Tenerife, Spain - pub details
Address: Avenida de Rafael Puig, Veronica's, Nr. Hotel Las Palmeras, Playa de las Am�ricas SPAIN
Pub facilities/features:
- Pool table (1)
> Current user rating: 9.0/10 (rated by 9 users)
user reviews of Leonardo's, Tenerife
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
5 most recent reviews of 16 shown - see all reviews
who is it your wanting to get hold of from leonardo's? i was there for the summer, so got everyone's nums xxxx tinkerbell123 - 3 Nov 2005 19:50 |
does anyone want to buy some flip flops and a wkd lilo? debbieandgeoff - 30 Oct 2005 21:31 |
just got back had a great time does anyone know when leornardos having refurb as we want to go back in jan but it wouldnt be the same without seeing the wild boys? debbieandgeoff - 30 Oct 2005 21:18 |
Does anyone have a phone number for Leonardo's just want to get hold of one of teh bar staff.... ive lost his number so only way can get hold of him is by phoning the bar..... so if anyone has a number please post it thank you ive searched the net n cant find it anywhere thank you xXx northeastteen - 22 Oct 2005 22:06 |
aye i bought the cd its fab !! and mea is just hiliarious !! cracks u up with his random break dancing haha and his random comments hehe ... did anyone see them do the take that medley?? Aww that was amazing with the dance routines was fab !! hoping to go back next year and will get a new cd xXx northeastteen - 9 Sep 2005 08:41 |
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