Locus Publicus, Rotterdam, Netherlands - pub details
Address: Ostzeedijk 364, Rotterdam, 3063 NETHERLANDS
> Current user rating: 8.0/10 (rated by 3 users)
user reviews of Locus Publicus, Rotterdam
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
I don't know this Locus Publicus as well as the one in Delft. But both have an impressive selection of beers. edrok666 - 22 Feb 2007 15:14 |
One roomed pub with a superb range of beers from all over the world, not far from the Old Harbour. Twelve on draught and hundreds in bottles, from micros and internationals. oftenscore6 - 2 Mar 2006 15:08 |