Sidreria Alberto, Mieres, Spain - pub details
Address: Avenida Manuel Llaneza, 6, Mieres, Asturias SPAIN
> Current user rating: 5.5/10 (rated by 2 users)
user reviews of Sidreria Alberto, Mieres
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
Best Bar in all of Spain. Speciality is Sidra (Strong Cloudy cider) served by barman pouring above head at arms length. In cheapest region of Spain Asturias and best region for food and Tapas plus hardly any tourists. On pilgrim trail to Santiago Di Compostella but religious freaks keep to their own areas Churches and the like. All local bars good excellent service and very cheap for food and drink, this is the best bar in town, in old plaza with ample seating with abundance of sunny weather Tukasi - 23 May 2003 12:05 |