M�llebyen Mikrobryggeri, Moss, Norway - pub details
Address: Postboks 120, Moss, N-1501 NORWAY
Pub facilities/features:
- Live music
- Food served, Real ale
> Current user rating: 7.5/10 (rated by 2 users)
user reviews of M�llebyen Mikrobryggeri, Moss
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
One of the few brewpubs in Norway. Founded in 2003. Situated in an old industry building close to a small waterfall. Nice outdoor seating. A handful of beers: Mossepils, Steamer (Brown Ale), Stout, Porter, IPA and season. Food. Live music. Finn - 27 May 2005 19:57 |