Alfredos, Glasgow - pub details
Address: 146, West Nile St, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G1 2RQ [map] [gmap]
Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 17506) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras
Glasgow Queen Street (0.2 miles), Glasgow Central (0.4 miles), Argyle Street (0.6 miles)
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> Current user rating: 4.0/10 (rated by 6 users)
other pubs nearby:
Iron Horse, Glasgow (0.0 miles), Drummonds, Glasgow (0.1 miles), Dow Jones, Glasgow (0.1 miles), Walkabout, Glasgow (0.1 miles), Revolution, Glasgow (0.1 miles) - see more nearby pubs
user reviews of Alfredos, Glasgow
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
What has happened to this website ? There appear to be a small group of posters who post gibberish on a daily basis, literally 24/7. Is it their intention, for some inexplicable reason, to ruin everyone's enjoyment of what was once an informative guide to real ale pubs in the UK ? I think we should be told ! Eastkilbridejags - 25 Feb 2017 10:24 |