BRB, Sutton [Closed] - pub details
Previously called: Scruffy Murphys
Address: 67 High Street, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1DT [map] [gmap]
Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 161) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras
Sutton (0.2 miles), West Sutton (0.7 miles), Sutton Common (1 mile)
General information:
other pubs nearby:
Shinner and Sudtone, Sutton (0.0 miles), Treasury, Sutton (0.0 miles), Sutton Arms, Sutton (0.0 miles), Moon on the Hill, Sutton (0.0 miles), All Bar One, Sutton (0.0 miles) - see more nearby pubs
user reviews of BRB, Sutton
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
5 most recent reviews of 44 shown - see all reviews
impressive new Antic pub,4 beers on plus crafts.tried a pint of pogo by the wildbeer company,very good.nice and bubbly staff,lets hope this place takes off,has late licence fri,sat.well worth a visit or two! hoppyal - 28 Sep 2016 10:17 |
finally opened,last night,Antic pub called shinner and sudtone!a few people inside,and tiger feet by mud was being blasted out as I walked past. hoppyal - 16 Sep 2016 11:13 |
when this was scruffy murphys,it was probably the best pub in the high street,since then bar room bar,pepper lounge,bounce,bar 68,and smoking lounge have come and gone quickly on this seems antic beer chain have got it.which would be a welcome,as they are good with beers and craft beers.also tend to be more upmarket venues,so not sure if that will work in Sutton,but lets hope it does! hoppyal - 29 Jun 2015 10:49 |
had a few people in for a sunday night as had live music.hope it takes off as sutton needs a a lively bar on a sunday. hoppyal - 14 May 2012 02:05 |
open now as bounce bar,had a quick pint of lager in here last week.same as bar before with comfortable seating and the addition of 5/6 tv screens which has sky sports on. will do ok at weekend,but wonder if they can attract the punters in the week.worth a visit if you are a lager drinker.. hoppyal - 11 Apr 2012 15:03 |
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