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The Swan, Cheltenham - pub details

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Address: 37 High Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 2AQ [map] [gmap]

Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 14837) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras

Nearest train station Cheltenham Spa (1 mile)

Pub facilities/features:

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> Current user rating: 7.1/10 (rated by 19 users)
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other pubs nearby:

Bar 50, Cheltenham (0.0 miles), Beehive Inn, Cheltenham (0.1 miles), Morans Eating House, Cheltenham (0.1 miles), Jolly Brewmaster, Cheltenham (0.1 miles), Exmouth Arms, Cheltenham (0.1 miles) - see more nearby pubs

user reviews of the Swan, Cheltenham

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

5 most recent reviews of 15 shown - see all reviews

Interesting. Many locals think it's to take a break - after the busy Cheltenham Festival.
tradervic - 19 Mar 2020 09:52
Wouldn’t it be helpful to add that the pub is closed because of the virus outbreak , and intends to reopen on the other side? (whenever that will be)
JonNgog - 19 Mar 2020 07:21
tradervic - 18 Mar 2020 13:54
Pleasant and welcoming pub with good food and good - if predictable - beers. Live music nights in the Sshh Bar to the rear of the pub are a rare treat.
darkskytourist - 20 May 2015 15:55
Somewhat overrates itself on its Web site: not unpleasant but I find it utterly anodyne.

Essentially a contemporary lager house, with a nod to ale (and mine on 15/10 - Jennings Cumberland - not of the first order).

There are much better houses in Cheltenham.
grovetown - 16 Oct 2009 16:11

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