Brannigans, Norwich [Closed] - pub details
Address: 4a, Riverside, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1ED [map] [gmap]
Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 11769) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras
Norwich (0.3 miles), Brundall Gardens (5 miles), Salhouse (5.3 miles)
> Current user rating: 6.0/10 (rated by 7 users)
other pubs nearby:
Queen of the Iceni, Norwich (0.0 miles), Delia's City Brasserie, Norwich (0.1 miles), Squares, Norwich (0.2 miles), Norwegian Blue, Norwich (0.2 miles), Ber St Gates, Norwich (0.3 miles) - see more nearby pubs
user reviews of Brannigans, Norwich
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
5 most recent reviews of 9 shown - see all reviews
I used to work in this spot, not suprised it's closed. Mattclary - 11 Jan 2010 15:17 |
Now closed. I shall mourn it's passing... melandrahstarr - 18 Feb 2008 14:44 |
Despite my best intentions, I can't really say too much against this place. Yes, it's a chain pub in a chain pub district. Yes it's got a reputation as a grab-a-granny night place. But I've been in there a few times both of an evening and before/after the footy and not had too shabby a night. Two pound a pint the last time I was in there seems to go against what someone else has said about the pricing, though the choice is limited to John Smiths or Strongbow for proper drinkers. The Waveney Yellows use this as their home match watering hole, and those boys like a good drink at a good price without any bother, so that's some sort of recommendation. DJ has been pretty good on a couple of nights I've been in there too. Bit too dark, low-ceilinged and hot to watch the footy in though, I feel. The best of a bad bunch on Riverside (especially now The Ferry Boat has now been shut down just up the road). GingerBear - 5 Jun 2007 12:53 |
I am really surprised by the comments about this place. It is a dingy hole. the_g - 29 May 2007 11:36 |
Whilst working out of Norwich in Summer 2005, my day off would be a Friday and along with my Norwich based partner-in-crime Bruce, We would always head off into the riverside area of Norwich for a good night out. It was Bruce's idea to take me to what he describes as "The best night out in Norwich" and who am I to disagree with a local, especially being from Liverpool. Once inside there are two bars, one situated on a raised area overlooking the dancefloor and stage area. Live acts aplenty here, and your usual format of drinks available. Bruce told me this was the place to pick up the women, not in a red light district way, but you know, pulling the birds as they say. Well there certainly was women aplenty, and yes I did bag one, but that story is for a different website. back to the bar itself, good music from the 80's/90's/00's and a general good atmosphere amongst the people who drink there. The doormen where especially on best behaviour, unlike other bars we visited that night. Overall a great place to visit. anonymous - 27 Jun 2006 02:20 |
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