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pub information: pubs near Pannal train station

Few benches out... Distance:
9.9 milesRating:
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Name: The Vesper Gate - Location: Kirkstall
Address: Abbey Road, Kirkstall, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS5 3NG Distance:
9.9 milesRating:
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Name: The Spotted Ox Inn - Location: York
Address: Westfield Road, Tockwith, York, North Yorkshire, YO26 7PY Distance:
9.9 milesRating:
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photo available
Name: The Chemic - Location: Woodhouse
Address: 9 Johnson Street, Woodhouse, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS6 2NG Distance:
9.9 milesRating:
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Name: The Golden Beam (JD Wetherspoon) - Location: Headingley
Address: Headingley Lane, Headingley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS6 1BLDistance:
10.0 milesRating:
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Name: Bay Horse Inn - Location: York
Address: York Road, Green Hammerton, York, North Yorkshire, YO26 8BN Distance:
10.0 milesRating:
5.0/10 [<< previous 20 <<] showing 241 to 247 of 247
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