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- The Cornerhouse, Plymouth - pub details
- ...there for a while I must admit. "and as for the baseball caps - well there not aloud for security reasons... , isn't that the same for any pub? and as for the baseball caps - well there not aloud for security reasons, ..., night is to get your beer spilt by a loudmouthed, baseball capped chav, then avoid at all costs.It has a good ...
- Ko Ko's bar-restaurant-club-roof terrace, Leamington Spa - pub details
- open planned, and full of teenagers dressed in baseball caps. No real reason to visit here unless it is ...
- The Portsdown Inn, Portsmouth - pub details
- ...a little shit came at 02:37 hrs armed with a baseball bat and a can of lighter fuel with the intentions ..., involving locals and the incumbent bats, swords and GBH charges ahoy, and someones ...
- Bradleys, Fitzrovia - pub details
- ...alone. The gum chewing ignoramus of a barman, baseball cap the wrong way round on his head, could not even...
- The First and Last, Maidstone - pub details
- ...Whoever made the comment about swinging baseball bats, obviously does not use the pub very often. ..., recently only to be greeted by a person swinging a baseball bat at someone else ! not what i expected, the beer...
- The Morehall, Cheriton - pub details
- ...were a real mixed bag of types, and this time not a baseball cap or a pair of Reebok Classics in sight! In ... , . You'll enjoy it if you wear a Burberry baseball cap, and your idea of a good night out is drinking ...
- The Maple Leaf, Covent Garden - pub details
- ...I even found myself enjoying an ice hockey game. Baseball however... Unfortunately this was 3 years ago..., -log cabin with bad taste carpet. What a groove. Baseball on the big screen. Plastic, but relaxed. Not that ...
- The Prince Arthur, Lee - pub details
- ...himself as a 'gangsta' and the new customers were baseball capped knuckle draggers. A total waste...
- Yates's, Harlow - pub details
- ...somewhat out of place though as I wasn't wearing a baseball cap or any sovereign rings. I probably won't be ...
- The Harrington Arms, Alvaston - pub details
- to have a good pint unless you want lager and baseball bat round the head...
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