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Royal Oak, Purley

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user reviews of Royal Oak, Purley

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

This pub has been viewed recently with a view to re-opening,the emphasis would be on real ale in one bar and live entertainment in the other .Nicely situated as competition is sparse in the area,Sanderstead ( just up the hill)) is pub-less and residents would welcome a decent pub.A potential goldmine for an enterprising pub manager.The timescale is six-nine months.
slerpy - 17 Jan 2011 09:19
shame to see it closed, had some great times there.
baldy44 - 4 May 2008 20:25
Hmmm, a strange conglomeration of elements. A well-mixed clientele featuring suspiciously polite chavs, psyched-down bookists, pram-pushers, old stoats and fiddly weasels. Bar staff very pleasant. Beer standard. Prices okay. Quite a large building once you go off exploring, looking for the bogs. I couldn't quite fathom this place, and nor could Mrs C, who has quite a nose for this sort of penetrative skill. Maybe Sunday afternoon is a peculiar time here, a period of subdued transformation. Or maybe it's simply a cool place where all sorts are welcome and respected.
Codrotten - 18 Dec 2007 19:56
jimmC88 check your messages.
baldy44 - 10 Jul 2007 10:50
I used to be a regular at the pub back in 90-92 before I moved to Caterham. It was primarily a working man's pub though the lounge side was fairly busy on weekend evenings. George and Mary Prince were the publicans at the time and did a great job with what clientele they had to work with! If anyone that reads this post knows their whereabouts I would be grateful if they would post it as I would like to get in touch with them. And if any of the other regulars managed to hear about the internet (let alone learn to read-Darren, Nick and Ali I'm thinking of you!) drop in a line and I will check back.
JimC88 - 29 Jan 2007 03:17
nice little pub - you walk in and you think 'local pub for local people' but not a bit of it - Pool, Darts and it's right next to my gym so I can re-drink what I've just burnt off!!!
Anthony - 18 Oct 2004 13:41
As Pubs in South Croydon go, this place which has recently been taken over by an Irish couple is friendly and clean and serves a decent pint.Its a locals pub and Ive been there about five times and its not a bad wee pub. The brewery or owners need to spend a few pound though and take the decor forward 20 years!
Jimmy S (Pool kid) - 20 Aug 2004 21:22

got anything to say about this pub?

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