fancied a pint so asked what ales they had, whitbread best and j smiths ! nodded, smiled and then left, dope smokers outside, give it a miss please.
The outside is currently being repainted, no real ale on. Had a pint of guinness instead. Its filed with lively locals, but the music was too loud for a snowy afternoon. it was however playing a great selection of madchester anthems.
"Cask ales" it proudly proclaims on the facade, but don't believe a word of it. Just keg Whitbread Best (�3.00) and John Smiths Extra Dull. However, it looks like it might once have been a decent pub with several interconnecting rooms around the central bar. Pool table, patio garden and a reasonably friendly barman, but don't go out of your way to try this one...
I have not been in there for many a year now. Now up for sale. Hope it's going to be turned into anything other than a pub! Some dodgy looking customers frequent this S#!*ole.
brilliant landlord and lady good atmosphere good beer a very well ran working mans pub
Sports Pub Multiple large screen TVs. Pool. Garden. all weather smoking area, totty behind bar.What more do you want.
dont know what u 2 r talking about. seeing them doors is like seeing them pearly white gates in heaven. owners one of a kind really frendly, clientel is great so friendly.apart from 1 little sausage dog thing. had a few great funny nights there with the locals,
Average, dull pub. Pretty tacky all round but the beer was alright. Whitbread Best Bitter was available as well as the usual range of lagers. Pool table available - I forget the price. Not the most pleasant clientel but was alright for a quick pint. Lots of fruits and other various games.