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Rising Sun, Surbiton

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user reviews of the Rising Sun, Surbiton

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

has been demolished in the last for
irish tom and helen [liam 12 june o3]you can
find them both well in the coronation in surbiton.
clonakilty - 6 Jul 2007 16:12
Sad to see it closed down for redevelopment but we can probably only blame ourselves for not using it enough. I remember it from the mid 1980s when they used to have live music on Thursdays - Danny Ellis if I recall. Anyone else remember that era ?
Old Surbitonion - 18 Oct 2004 10:46
Well its probably the end of the building now as it went up in flames last night, will be missed all.
a local - 16 Aug 2004 12:37
it really is quite a shame. i would have popped in for a last pint but i havent read that its last day was last wednesday till now.
anthony - 10 Jun 2004 22:18
Sadly, it's last day is Wednesday - 02/06/04 after which it closes down to be replaced by some (obviously) much-needed luxury flats. Shame to see another real pub go...
oj360 - 1 Jun 2004 15:42
if this palce closes down it will be a great shame. this is what a pub should be. no poncy cocktails or music, nice big screen tv for the footie and u can smoke at the bar.

i spent ALOT of time here during my first year at uni (i was staying at clayhill halls down the road). it always seemed weird that more students didnt use the pub as its so close to the halls. especially seeing as the students union at kingston uni is absolutely rubbish.

havent been in a long time cos ive moved away from kingston.

hope it stays open as its a decent pub.
anthony - 20 May 2004 22:12
closing down you say?

Only themselves to blame, There is a not a lot of competition on top of the hill (Brave new world?) still it will be a shame to loose the kick off point for the Surbiton U bend crawl which means it will no longer be down hill all the way! The STudents which should be its staple (clayhill halls are behind it) are either all working, or largin it in kingston!
jon-paul - 6 Apr 2004 16:37
Never any decent beer, poor atmosphere for the past few years.
Arrogant landlord.
Stopped going here a year ago for these reasons.
Paul - 16 Mar 2004 12:45
And now its closing down in a few weeks. What a waste of potential
anonymous - 2 Mar 2004 14:25
Potentially a superb pub, great venue, good size, but never quite fulfilled. Food is good and cheap as is the booze - great offers on. But it never quite gets the quantity/quality of clientele that it could. Havent seen any fit bar maids for a while but i may be going on the wrong nights.
anonymous - 11 Dec 2003 14:07
this is a proper old fashioned boozer, of which there are too few these days. as long as you keep yourself to yourself you are fine.
ignore embittered ex-staff allegedly sacked for wearing the landladies underwear stolen from washing basket.
giles - 31 Oct 2003 14:20
I never found this pub particularly inviting. Maybe its the 'Clayhill mob' that frequent it. Its OK but nothing special.
jon-paul - 17 Oct 2003 15:50
Its the place i'd choose to waste my university career! Hey wait there, i did! Top pub, great people and FANTASTIC food. I don't remember ever leaving "the riser" sober. 2002-03 was a great year for me, met some fascinating people. And i like Nick!
Jonny - 11 Oct 2003 13:10
A GREAT Pub in the Heart of England. A 'varied' crowd of locals and some very sexy barmaids. The landlord is a poes though, although he is good in the kitchen. ;-) As for Liam ... no comment....
Brett - 24 Jun 2003 23:31
Here is a pub with enormous potential. It's easy to see its appeal to the local community... it keeps all the dregs in one place.

Interested in a career in the pub trade? Then this is the place for you. The manager is always looking for new staff, if only for the satisfaction of sacking someone for you to take their place (and their room upstairs).

The current manager aims low when it comes to customer service and atmosphere, and consistently fails to meet his targets.

Excellent home cooked food is available lunchtimes and evenings, and the staff will be happy to give you directions, it's only a ten minute walk away.

For live entertainment, the Rising Sun is second to none. Show starts about one hour after opening when the most enthusiastic locals are starting their fifth pint. The manager encourages betting on who will wet themselves first. Second show around closing time. Place your bets for who will win the fight tonight, Queensbury Rules do not apply.

BTW, Liam you're either lying about ever going there, or you work there.
James - 18 Jun 2003 14:25
A quality pub in the heart of rural Surbiton. Ccome on Surbiton support your local public house, it's part of your community
Liam - 12 Jun 2003 14:53
They would probably have known the current locals (Irish) Tom and Helen ?

Current (2003) land lord is Nick Collingwood, he may well know of them.
Liam - 12 Jun 2003 14:46
The potential to be the best old style 'english' pub in Surbiton, with reasonably priced Drinks and Food, Large floor plan, Big Screen and Originally english sense of community. Ideal if your anyone.
Unbiased Person - 12 Jun 2003 14:44
Do you know if there were previous landlords by the name of Jack & Molly Hoolahan? They were my aunt and uncle and ran the pub in the 50's?
Harry - - 18 Apr 2002 04:01

got anything to say about this pub?

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