Sadly, the Fuller's Sawyers Arms pub has CLOSED forever and is now demolished. A development of flats is replacing it.
Went by today and it was surrounded by fresh wooden hoardings. Closed?
It was a quiet afternoon, baking heat and a driving thirst. I'd not been in the Sawyers before but I fancied that a Fullers' house might have something like Discovery on tap but...blimey I'd also never seen six London Pride pumps in such a small bar before! Just shows what a popular brew it is I suppose, and a couple of slightly warm pints did the job. Efficient service, horse brasses and bhajis, cricket on the big screen. Rated under 4? Of course I've not seen it when it's busy...
I prefer to be served by an Englishman in an English Pub, and a Scotsman if I was north of the border etc etc. likewise I would feel cheated if I was seved by say a Pole in a Bar in the French Countryside.
Its not only about the product ('There is no such thing as bad beer just some is better than others') its about the ambience and the experience and sometimes the convesation.
A Frenchman can hardly understand my schoolboy French so what chanch would a Pole have.
And before some bloody idiot calles me a Racist, I'd be delighted to be served by a Pole in a Bar in Wchlzchlinzch (or indeed anywhere in Poland).
I say bring back English Pub Landords and English Bar Staff in our Pubs
Stop bickering - your supposed to review the pub.
Sawyers Arms has improved over the past few years. Had a decent pint of London Pride (not always consistantly good, though). Staff friendly enough, locals a mixture of slumming-it professionals with personal problems and builders, painters & decorators f-ing and blinding in unison. The food is good, with a mixed "English" menue and a selection of curries. As the TV is constantly on at excessive volumes it's impossible to deliver the kind of atmosphere that would bring the kind of customers that this pub needs. One of Feltham's oldest pubs - worth a visit as nothing has changed in a long, long time...
Real Ale doesn't just come from England, nor only from the British Isles (lots of good Real ale produced in Scotland and Wales too!!!). Bagrat is right. The definition of Real Ale could apply to many beers produced anywhere in the world. Lagers or pilsners can also be excellent products; it's only the ersatz efforts like Fosters, Carling et all that give the style a bad name. Being able to serve good Real Ale is not exclusive to English (or British)people. I know many people around the world and in UK who are not British by origin and serve excellent Real Ale.
'Unlike other countries who only know lager...'?
I have drunk mostly real ale (and a lot of it!) on my recent trips to Estonia and Germany so I may have to disagree with the last comment.
As for Eastern Europeans not knowing on how to look after real ale...That is a fairly subjective comment.
"Why does it matter where the management is from?? Being English doesn't mean you automatically know how to keep good ale"
No but it helps ! seeing that England is the place where all Real Ale is brewed and served it does help to be English. Unlike other countries who only know lager. I agree with the comment and find that most pubs run by East Europeans serve awful real ale as real ale takes a lot of care and attention to make it good. Most pubs these days dont seem to want to go to the effort to keep their Ales tasting good. Anyway this pub is one to avoid.
Interesting you assume the person was English. Not in fact the case here.
Why does it matter where the management is from?? Being English doesn't mean you automatically know how to keep good ale
No comment, just very disappointed with the lack of good real ale (we got the feeling that the East European management doesn't have a clue on how to keep real ale) and the very unfriendly clientele (my boyfriend almost got punched for saying that he doesn't smoke after being asked for a cigarette!) That was shortly before the smoking ban. We haven't been back since and we probably will never go back again.
hey!!! anyone who knows Ron, he drinks fosters top mostly,please can you give him my message to text me not to leave a voice mail as it doesnt show his phone number so i cant contact him back. he needs to talk to me , urgently, but i have lost his phone number so i cant get in touch.anyone who knows him please give him my message, i worked there about half a year or so ago.i come from czech republic.or anyone who knows his phone number so i can ring him back.thank you very much
I popped in recently. The London Pride was thin and had no life. No ESB any more. Change of management may have increased trade but their beer quality will drive others out.
Visited here as a starting point for a CAMRA pub crawl, only to find no cask beer. We were asked to have a look ourselves to see if it was okay, but really that is the cellarman/licensees job. We left.
I went in here yesterday for lunch after not having been in for about a year (no reason for not going, just decided to try some different places). Had a tuna and cucumber baguette which cost �2.95 and must have been about a foot long and came with a mountain of chips. Excellent value for money. Also had a side order of onion bhajis which were �1.50 for four giant bhajis and without a doubt the best onion bhajis I have ever tasted. They were fantastic. My boyfriend is a chef and said they were overcooked, but I thought they were superb.
| food menu's and clean,large carpark and everyone keeps asking for "karaoke" so yes you got it, it starts on Saturday 25th August with the "5ive star" crew....need to get in early though as i've heard their good and i hate waiting too long for a song
anonymous - 6 Aug 2007 17:48 |
I heard that this pub is run by new people so went in today to check it out and was very impressed. The lady behind the bar was very pleasant, unlike the previous person that was there. Had a very delicious ploughmans for a reasonable price. I will definitely be going back
Any pub that has to advertise for customers on a board outside has GOT to be crap ('wanted - customers, must be over 18, no previous experience necessary, full training will be given' or something along those lines.). Popped in one lunchtime out of curiosity. Shame as it has so much potential, loads of land out the back that appears to have been resurfaced with tarmac and white lines drawn all over it. My immediate assumption was that this was a car park, but I must be wrong cos there's never anyone in there? Why didn't they make it into a big, attractive garden and refurbish the crappy interior whilst they were at it? Some things defy explanation, this pub is certainly one of them.
NOW WORSE THAN EVER. Saturady 11th Sept.Children running amok. Youths jumping up & down on furniture. Disco so loud as to frighten local pets. Fullers Smith & Turner want to pull it down and build Flats. On this rare occassion I agree with them.
The Pub Ghost - 12 Sep 2004 11:23 |
Someone please tell the Pub Ghost when the Kids have been barred and swearing is no longer obligitory - he might make a return visit.
The Pub Ghost - 19 Aug 2004 20:46 |
The Pride is very good - However, to use this pub involves having a lung transplant after leaving, possibly the smokiest pub ever.
Get rid of the Children running about, give it a complete refurb' and with new Landlord/lady and the new flats across the road Feltham may at last have a Pub where the tatooed, vest wearing Yobbery are not attracted.
The Pub Ghost - 8 Aug 2004 17:46 |
The Pride is good - very pricey though. Boxed wine is crap - sour and out of date. Have heard that unfortunately the "nice couple from Plymouth" are moving on. What will happen now, back to sour faces and rude bar staff?
Lenleo - 18 Jun 2004 15:31 |
The Pride is very morish, ran by a nice couple from Plymouth.
Scudnut - 21 Mar 2004 21:26 |
On the road from Feltham to Ashford. A traditional Fullers pub offering a good range of beers. The only downside is it is quite pricy.
TC - 15 Mar 2004 11:30 |