This pub is currently closed and has a to let sign pinned to the outside.
Go next door for heaven's sake!!
Not a pub: "a great venue to enjoy a meal for every occasion" they say, but not beer in the evening.
This is now Tryst On The Green and is very much a restaurant.
Neon bar. Nothing else to say about it.
DeviousDave - 16 Aug 2004 15:24 |
It's totally changed in the last couple of months. They don't have DJ's but the music's perfect. The whole place is really relaxed but still got the nice atmosphere. Much better I think and I have to agree, the Thai food is fantastic.
Jane - 21 Jul 2004 14:25 |
thai food is excellant! make sure to get a table off the disco floor though.
mvt - 30 Apr 2004 19:13 |
wicked, trendy pub, with great atmosphere, especially when FSB DJ.
anonymous - 7 Mar 2004 10:13 |