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Tap 'n' Tumbler, Nottingham

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user reviews of the Tap 'n' Tumbler, Nottingham

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Seemed a bit "clique" to me. Staff friendly enough but regulars were indifferent.
ng10 - 17 Jan 2012 11:08
I first went to this pub quite a few years ago, and often get taken to it on many a night out with the boyfriend.I do enjoy rock music and live bands which this pub does cater for.I do dress alternative ,though you dont need to be a goth to get in!Now you would think I would be right out home in Tap, but I have to say I dont feel it at all! I have encounterd many negative experiences where others past judgement on the way I dress and present myself,absurd I know?The irony is when I have got dragged into surrounding mainstream pubs nobody has been rude,weird?Tap has left a bitter taste .It would be beneficial for them to invest in some door staff as rude people + alcohol = trouble!
paperdoll - 22 Aug 2011 18:59
i can imagine that without the previous landlady in charge this could well become one of the best pubs in Nottingham.
cantonacantona - 12 Apr 2011 02:24
Excellent pub improved a lot under Claire, very cheap, highly recommended, excellent pint of John Smiths
mcdrinkin - 3 Feb 2011 13:50
A late opening rock pub with a decidedly average bee selection. Foul toilets, but if there's a choice between this and the Turf, I'd advise coming here for late night drinking.
MX7 - 24 Jul 2010 17:18
This pub could be brilliant. Reasonable prices, well mannered bar staff, tasty food, good mix of clientele, and if you love rock music, one of the essential ports of call in Nottingham of a Friday or Saturday night. Such a shame about the landlady....whose sour and belligerent attitude could rival that of a rabid pitbull with toothache.
TheBentElbow - 26 Apr 2010 19:38
This is an okay pub of the 'spit and sawdust' variety. It's very popular with long-haired musical types (all-rock jukebox takes care of that) but there is normally a good enough mix of people in to avoid the place becoming cliquey. Decent food menu is served during the day but the place really comes to life at night. It's a vibrant city pub so don't go in during the evening unless you enjoy loud rock music and don't mind lots of old biker dudes propping up the bar. Personally, I like the place a lot.
siddo - 13 Sep 2009 15:00
Made my return to the Tap after my 3 months exile after being robbed by the staff .
Boy I've missed this place i love it I'm back.
anonymous - 23 Mar 2008 11:55
Like i say half normal lager double Malibu and coke �7-93 ? and it was around the �4-50 mark in every other pub that night even the more upmarket ones .
When questioned it was checked on the till by the girl and a lad and an older lady for which i was given 60 pence back ?

�10 given �2.07 change + 60p refund = �7.33
anonymous - 25 Jan 2008 11:29
Did you have a double dash of Pepsi?
Did the girl give you back 62p (rather than 60)?? She may of thought that she'd put in too much Pepsi on the till. I've added it up and you should of got another �1.80 back which doesn't make sense considering a shot of Malibu is �1.85.
Are you sure your right in how much she charged you because maybe she touched in an extra shot of Malibu by mistake? I don't know, it's very rare these things happen, unfortunately you were unlucky enough for it to happen to you!
wallwayne - 12 Jan 2008 17:37
To wallwayne "simple mistakes" did you forget to read i questioned the sale ? she added it up on the till a second time then i was given 60p back ?
She even asked a youth and and older lady that was working there to check it ?
Must be a Christmas kitty thing ?
anonymous - 10 Jan 2008 11:56
To the person below, half a lager and a double malibu and coke should be about �5.50 in the Tap. You may of been overcharged because of new staff coming in over the Christmas period making simple mistakes.
I work there so i know, i went home over Christmas and i wasn't there that night, so it definately wasn't me!!
wallwayne - 3 Jan 2008 17:04
Always loved this pub (I'm not a rocker) but last night 15/12/07 half normal lager double Malibu and coke �7-93 , did question it and was given 60p back ?
So �7-33 ? about �4-50 in every other pub that night ? The Tap was to be our 2nd pub on our yearly works bat around town this coming Friday 21/12 when a good 50 of us are out , guess what it's not now .
anonymous - 16 Dec 2007 08:13
beer that tastes of vinegar, just what you need
JOHNSs - 26 Oct 2007 18:14
AMAZING PUB!!!!! this is normaly my 2nd stop on way 2 city love the place!
d_b - 8 Aug 2007 00:39
The music on the jukey jumps froms one music style to another-the beer tasted dodgy and wasnt cheap...the food was cheap but doesnt make up for the other 2 failings...not worth the detour
EdgarBriggsMI5 - 26 Feb 2007 22:44
good way to kick off an evening in notts, awesome juke box, alright staff
doginthefogrules - 24 Jan 2007 12:48
The Tap and Tumbler has to be my favorite in Nottingham. I always feel comfortable in there. The only downside is sometimes the bar is too deep in people and we have to go elsewhere. The staff is friendly. Makes me really appreciate the difference between a good staff and the people who work at other places.
Thera - 27 Sep 2006 23:32
No pinball anymore!
MikeC - 8 Oct 2004 12:39
The tap and tumbler sells cheap drinks nice food and plays great music no better place 2 stop off between going 2 a club like rock city or after a gig. This place is like an institution if u like good music good value and a nice bar staff its the place 4 u.
Alan - 5 Jul 2004 00:25
the place is a god send very cheap beer great staff great tunes
disagree with an earlier comment about looking the part ive been a few times after work in a shirt and tie and still get treated the same
steve - 10 Feb 2004 19:21
As Nottingham pubs go, this has to be one of the better ones if you like rock music. its also very handy for concerts at Rock City and club nights at the Rig as well. great juke box, although the elitist attitude of some of the throwback locals is a bit irritating, even if it is inevitable! not being a die-hard Iron Maiden fan is not a crime...
anyonebutmanu - 22 Jan 2004 15:16
I'd been looking forward to a gig in Rock City for about 6 months - come the day, I got to Nottingham a bit early, so I nipped in here and ended up missing the opening 20 minutes of the gig because I didn't want to leave. Says it all really.
McSti - 26 Nov 2003 20:51
This place is an intsitution! Its true that you have to look the part to fit in but then as 99% of the pubs in Nottingham cater for the townies then I don't see that having a pub where the darker side of society can go and be themselves is such a bad thing. When let in the townies only ever cause fights anyway! Go rule!
Sarah - 26 Nov 2003 12:56
There are so many bars full of irritating townies playing crap music...The tap Rocks
Nicky - 22 Oct 2003 16:32
This place rocks. A friendly and accepting place for the more unusual parts of society! Can be very busy before gigs at Rock City or at weekends. Great Rock Jukebox. Can often spot bands in there who are playing at rock city.
michelle - 25 Jul 2003 11:40
Rock city with real beer, great atmosphere mix of rock types good bands(free). downside over worked staff
John Bryant - 6 Jun 2003 01:38
The regulars aren't welcoming to people that have washed recently.
phil - 21 Apr 2003 15:31
This pub is awful. As a long-haired youth I spent a lot of time there as it was one of the few pubs where one could drink while dressed in the manner of a "rocker". However, when visiting as a short haired, smartly dressed adult, my friend and I experienced nothing but prejudice and unpleasantness from both staff and other customers. - To the point of being told "that's it, f**k off, you don't belong here" by one of the barmen as we left. - Ironic as I'm from Nottingham and had been drinking in there long before he came on the scene. . . .

Not that I'm bitter. . . <sigh>
Andrew - 14 Mar 2003 11:54
Great place where you can even talk on the weekend instead of shouting to each other. Quite mixed folks there and the music is heavy metal often - a really enjoyable place.
KMB - 19 Feb 2003 19:29
anonymous - 24 Jan 2003 19:29
Great pub, great staff, great food, great fun!
Rach - 11 Jan 2003 17:14
I am trying to find out if there has been any reported ghostly sightings in this pub.
susan - - 8 Jan 2003 15:06
Great place. The food is fantastic. The staff are friendly and really try. The atmosphere is great. Also, best Landlady in Nottingham!
Tim Dawson - 30 Oct 2002 15:59

got anything to say about this pub?

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