The Boot was only the second pub we found open in Cambridgeshire on New Year's Day, following aborted attempts to visit the Carpenters Arms at Great Wilbraham, the Hole In The Wall at Little Wilbraham and the Crown Inn at Ashley. The other open pub was the fantastic Reindeer at Saxon Street, which I have requested to be added. The Boot seemed a friendly enough place, populated mainly by locals, many of whom seemed to have had quite a few. There was a single room with a TV showing live football. The regular ales are Adnams Bitter & Greene King IPA. Guests on this occasion were Woodfordes Once Bittern & Mighty Oak Pixie. Decent pub.
Excellent village local in the old school (as in beer first, food second). Tried the Adnams Spiced ( a Winter brew) and Elgoods Christmas ale, both of which were on form. A rarity among village locals in that beer is it's raison d'etre. A little bit of a trek from the station but when you reach the Kings Head you turn right.... it's unlikely you will drop in to the Kings Head as it doesn't sem to open much.
anonymous - 28 Dec 2010 00:39 |
Small rural pub, good beers, friendly.
Having escaped from the dreadful Marquis of Granby at nearby Stetchworth we ventured into The Boot and ordered a much needed round of drinks and two hot beef sandwiches. Problem: total cash in hand of seven quid for a bill of ten! No problem declared the admirable Mr McConnell, mine host - pay me when you nexrt come in! Typical of this fine unpretentious village pub with excellent real ales, superb hot beef baps and a very trusting and understanding LL.
Great pub that continues to uphold all old pub traditions. Brilliantly kept beers with an ever changing guest. A real must for the beer lover. Oh and dont miss the beer festivals they are something else!!
A classic village pub with a cheerful atmosphere. As well as the usual Adnams there was also Celtic Queen on draught the day we called in. It is a Norfolk beer, from the Iceni Brewery - a good refreshing summer brew.
Friendly landlady could only offer "Hot beef rolls" as lunchtime snacks, but they were delicious with horseradish sauce and very inexpensive. The regulars were cheerfully discussing the prospects for that afternoon's Grand National at Aintree, while their dogs roamed about being friendly with anyone prepared to pat them. These local pubs are a threatened institution (my own village had about 8 when we moved in almost 40 years ago - now there are only 3 still open and one of these is about to close). Places like The Boot deserve support from visitors as well as their own community.
I'm with Mike, my mother and father in law live in the village and are very regular visitors to the pub. I have been there many times with and without them and have been made to feel very welcome from both the landlord/lady and the other guests.
The beer is superb, as already mentioned, a different guest beer for each week ranging from small local brewers to further a field.
For all those unsure, just go. I can assure you, you won't be disappointed.
A lovely place to meet and make new freinds, a real freindly bunch of people, an eclectic group of locals (I'm one of them) make this an interesting place to visit and socialise, everything from race horse owners to farm labours. its just been redecorated so ignore others comments about it being grubby, its not. Its the sort of place anybody can go to on your own and feel comfortable, The beer is excellent, a different guest beer every week. The boot won the CAMRA award for the region (out of 350 pubs in 2005)cannot be all bad.
My only warning is watch the Broadside, its hits like a steam rollor cheers mike "mines a pint please"
Good beer, friendly people, but it's a bit, err, grubby. A good place to come for a couple of beers with male friends. Not somewhere you'd go on a date, if you see what I mean
An old-style pub - very friendly and top beer, though not a place I've ever lingered at
its like going into a living room! nice place for the locals.
Great place for a good beer. This is not a tide pub and the guy who took it over saved it from the jaws of developers. Perhaps more for the boys, it certainly has a very loyal following.
Diana - 22 Dec 2003 19:35 |