This pub is currently open until 20th April 2010 with friendly manageress Jean. Opens weekdays 12 - 6pm & has great atmosphere, below average beer prices & Saturday evenings from 8pm - 12 karaoke evening with Bar Room Blitz (Mick & Irene).
The Polish bar has now closed. Don't know if it has or will reopen as a pub again.
Forgot to mention, it's still "near Queens Park" so if that's a problem you should maybe avoid the place. However if you're not bigoted you could do alot worse than getting down there and broadening your horizons.
Now open. Friendly staff and a good selection of Polish lagers.
It's now named Sobieski.
apparently re opened now, Polish Bar ? (i think)
There seem to be builders inside - perhaps it will be reopening soon. But rather than a different floor they need a different type of customer if they hope to make this place worth visiting.
Pub has now closed down, the shutters have been down for weeks, it's a sad decline of what was a good pub.
anonymous - 13 Sep 2006 22:40 |
Visited once, 4 or 5 years ago when in the Beer Guide, when it was a high quality local.
Mericifully now closed down.
This is an awful pub in bed, very rough area near queen's park, avoid, always trouble here.
The worst pub in Bedford? Quite possibly. Grim on the inside with unwelcoming bar staff and regulars. Best avoided.
Eamonn - 6 May 2004 19:49 |