Oh dear ! I heard good reports of this place in the past, but it had closed for "renovation" by Joules by the time I got around to visiting.
I normally like Joules pubs, but this one is completely soulless ! Their idea of a "craft beer bar" is to sell a couple of unusual German beers. How wrong can they be ? There didn't appear to eb any food available - only snacks.
Barman more interted in talking on his mobile to the regulars "so you won't be coming in tonight at all then", than serving customers.
5/10 - a good pub ruined
Since all earlier reviews of The Lower Chequer it has been refurbished ( if you can call it that) by Joules Brewery. It is now a Craft Beer Bar!!! Make of it what you like but there is now little in the way of decent real ale nor is there any quality lager, just something called Green Monkey. It has lost its character and is in desperate need of an old fashioned landlord.
Great traditional pub, very friendly owners even got a kiss when we left. Dog friendly. Great variety of cask ales well worth a visit.
We moved to Sandbach earlier this year and discovered this gem of a pub. It is a beautiful building (aparently the oldest in Sandbach). It serves a fantastic range of beers and we had a good few pints from the local Merlin brewery, which is apparently only a few miles up the road from the pub. It's obviously a popular pub and we had a great time chatting with the locals. A really enjoyable evening was had and we will be back for more.
What a fantastic pub. Very friendly landlord and staff that are always helpful. A superb range of real ale kept in tip top condition. The landlord obviously knows his beer and now to keep it. The Lower Chequer seems to attract a good crowd and has a very warm and welcoming atmosphere. I can thoroughly recommend the Lower Chequer for a superb real ale and great atmosphere.
No idea what planet the last guy is on but this pub is the best thing that has happened to Sandbach in Beers lol . He has 6 handpulls on all the time and has had over 250 quality beers mostly from local micro's since it opened . It's a mini beer festival all year round . His comments about the dogs are unfounded and they have there own fanclub . My wife asks for them if they're not around . The Landlord is always happy to share his knowledge with you and always offers a try before you buy policy . I suggest the miserable saddo finds somewhere else to drink his smoothflow because the Chequer is a vibrant and happy hostelry serving nothing but excellent real ale .
The beer changes too often for a proper rating as the 'landlord' seems to think that is what his regulars want. There are some a couple of ales he keeps on tap regularly. Do be careful where you tread as the in house dogs are not too fussy on toilet habits and will not leave one alone if barsnacks are bought. Bar staff friendly enough. Landlord not happy if you tell him that something is not to your taste although it is possible to try before you buy.
Great pub - good selection of local ales and a great pint of Golden Pippin. If you like proper beer, this is your best bet in Sandbach. I'll give it an 8 but it might go up when they start doing food too!
not a bad pub like the new managment.