This is the roughest pub in the roughest street in England. But it is real. A no bullshit does what it says on the tinkind of place. Somewhere for the lower classes.
a filthy dump. dont bother.
this place is a legend, all the sights to be seen here and more! well funny
anonymous - 4 Apr 2008 13:37 |
Beelzebubs local. If this was the only pub/club left on earth I would stop drinking. Filled with a sense of impending violence. Keep your eyes to the floor or you will be accused of "Looking at my boirrrrrrd" Give it a wide berth.
Oh not forgetting: DJ ANDY who plays downstairs in Jesters. Was playing in Harry Tates whilst Jesters was doing the refurb. Lovely guy. Chatted to him on numerous occasions, and always puts the requests on asap. PLays a bit of everything, and if you after the hardcore dance music, then trot upstairs in Jesters.
Well, I have to profusely apologise. After my last comment, I decided to try Jesters out. I have to admit I am now addicted to the place.
I go at least once a week, because all the staff are now friends of mine, even the bouncers. Extremely friendly atmosphere, and if you know any staff, it's like walking into a family heirloom. The staff are extremely lovely, bar maids/glass collectors and all. Jesters has a reputation for being full of matlows, chavs etc BULLSHIT. I have some friends that walk into this place as a preference, that are on over a �1000 a month, having to pay nominal rent cos they still live at home. So technically they could go to richest, most luxerious, most expensive place in town.... but they choose to come to Harry Tates and Jesters. Need I say more?
I also know alot of uni students that come in too.
Onto the fights that Jester's is supposedly notorious for:
Head Bouncer Tim, Carl, Darren (also manager of Harry Tates), Richie, Mark etc never uneccessarily kick anyone out of the club. The reason they kick people out when they do have to at a small sign of trouble, is to minimise any disruption and destruction to the rest of us, that would obviously happen if they just had a little telling off, so the troublemakers can carry on in there, going up to the bar, drinkin more booze to fuel the situation even more.
The drinks in my opinion are actually dirt cheap. I'd like to know anywhere else I could get a Jack Daniels and coke for less than �2.10? The Owner: Gill----- is fab too, so are her sons who own Harry Tates and Jesters too.
Overall, I would quite happily call Jesters and Harry Tates, my locals. Is the first stop when I go out: ALWAYS. Most of time, I spend all night (till they shut) running between Harry Tates and Jesters, to talk to mates that I've made through going there.
i think jesters is a really place. great ppl great bar staff and bouncers. so there's a few fights, but if u don't like that kind of thing then don't go!!!!
This place is like an embodiment of the Trsiha show- women in their forties acting like teenagers and just a really threatening atmosphere- it was an experience
Well, a mixed opinion of Jesters here. The reputation this club has is immense. Even people old enough to be my grandparents sum it up... "You wanna pick up a bird every time you go out, then Jesters is the place, they're all free and easy there,then there is the fighting, full of chavs and matlows and other services blokes all after a shagging while they're away from home" I'll let people make their own judgements....
anonymous - 24 Jun 2005 16:51 |
For years this place has been synonymous with the old 'pint and a fight' theory of classic nights out in Plymouth. In my mispent youth, I remember being unceremoniously turfed out just for standing near one of the various brawls kicking off. And that was on a weekday night! Went back for the first time in about seven years the other Saturday, and had a really good time. Yeah, the floors are a little sticky but all staff were pleasant and professional, drinks were served swiftly, music was OK and the place was rammed with potentially available women. Better than Heores? Yeah, I reckon.
dont stand still for to long or you'll stick to the floor,the fact that jesters is one of the best night clubs in plymouth just goes to show how few deccent clubs are here in plymouth.
Obviously those who commented havent been there!! Jesters is amazing!! Its what clubs are really about- good time, cheesy music and lots of alchohol! Bar Staff are great,no wonder it takes ages to get served, Coz it is so BUSY!!! Everyone has to go here, there is a first for everything!
Sam and Gem - 3 Oct 2004 16:23 |
i think jesters is great, u just have to b able to handle ur drink and u wont get battered!!! plymouth pussy love this club, a great place to meet new people, just make sure its nobodys bird first though!!!!
h - 27 Aug 2004 14:48 |
Dante's inferno. Beware yee who goes here! If there is such a thing as hell then all that drink at Jesters will be top of the guest list when they're queuing up in Purgatory. To get a measure of how truly vile and depraved this place is, well, they have a punch bag there which allows you to gauge how 'hard' you are. Talk about encouaging the swine. And what's more the clientelle who read this will probably be thinking 'Yeah, so what? It's fookin class." Good for: The missing link
JESTERS best nightclub in plymouth out does the rest in plymouth by far!!! best place for music without a doubt, DJ Andy (aka Bubbles)is the best Dj in south west, occassionly loves his own cheesy dance routines so does door man who stands on stage wkends!! Dj A plays good music and not off pre made album discs!he changes music thru out the nite to wat ever u request.good beer prices great staff (bar/Door) great managment too.
anon - 23 Mar 2004 12:42 |
Right i like jesters!!! bar staff r very loving and friendly (well most of em)they work extremely hard to get u p**s heads more booze. door man r very soft gentle giant blokes, until u kick off then you've had it. i've been going here 4 quite a while now & the levels of trouble in jesters has vanished cuz of the decent door men in jesters.its a nice place to have fun without worrying about fights!
its me - 23 Mar 2004 12:28 |
The royal navy school of dancing!!
aDONis! - 13 Mar 2004 17:28 |
"Molesters", perfect place to trap at the start of the week. Busiest place in town. Drink offers between 10pm and 11pm. Good doorstaff to keep the dickheads in check, needs more barstaff though, can get a bit dull waiting to get served. DJ is ok, plays the same stuff though. Weekends are TOO busy, can't move, too hot (some working air-con would be nice!) full of spanners. Defo an early part of the week place.
J - 11 Mar 2004 02:01 |
Its a wonderful place! If you like the smell of impulse and Brut aftershave emanating from the stumbling bodies of tipsy teenagers all around you while Britney Spears just keeps doing it again as you try and grab the attention of the stressed barstaff so you can order another bacardi breezer for �1. By the end of the evening you will likely to have been; a) thrown up on, or b}punched or c)copped onto by someone not old enough to shave/wear a bra. Scores a point from me simply for the demonstrating the depths of human seediness.
Mel - 2 Feb 2004 01:10 |
free entry tonite smart casuals buy one get one free 10-11 needs to serve crisps as the drinks are too wet dj requests nite ask your own songs pole dancing for the boys and girls if the blokes get drunk enough friendly staff on the door bar staff overworked and not quite fast enuff
glen johnson - 11 Aug 2003 17:08 |
fun pub loads of hot hunnies and fit blokes good music best pub for meeting at
glen johnson - 11 Aug 2003 17:03 |