Having moved out of Reading I do miss this old place, not the cleanest or best staff (especially the interfering female manager) however cheap beer and footie & pool. Good place to meet up with friends and just have few pints.
Decent place to watch the football. Had an UBU real ale on, but it wasnt hitting the spot. So I had a couple of Stellas, watched the Albion stuff Chelsea 3-0 and left feeling quite content with the world.
Quite like this pub, but the staff are unprofessional, the pub looks filthy and the toilets stink. Food is above average with a fair range of beers and lagers. £1,50 on Mondays after 7 !!!
Great change since new management came in. Staff friendlier and seem like they actually want to be there unlike our last visit, where they all seemed terrified to hold a conversation with you. Atmosphere seemed far better, I did not feel like I was going to get punched for looking at somebody incorrectly unlike the last visit and the place seemed less dull. Food was good too. All in all a great experience!
rude management, very anti against forces veterans on rememberance day 2009 slow service and ignorant bar staff I was in the pub when a young soldier asked for service and the woman was talking to her manageress at the time looked up at him and went to the opposite end of the bar to serve another person who still had half a pint to finish, Ive never returned to that dive.
Violent? The first (and last) time I went in it was like The Wynford Part Deux. Huge homosexual crowd which if your bread is battered on that side fine but not my cup of brew. As for thefts the only thing likely to be pinched is your a*s by fudgey type. Thanks but no thanks...
Whilst I understand this pub is not to everyone's tastes, some of the reviews it's getting are very harsh and seem to stem around people getting offended that they are being ID'ed. Unfortunately that is the way the world is going, most places now have a standard policy of think 25 and that is going to lead to this happening. The staff do not do this to deliberately piss people off, but because it is their job and it is not worth risking anything.
To an actual review of the pub, I like the place. The drinks are cheap (�1.25 pints on mondays) and the atmosphere can be good if you're there at the right time - I always tend to have a good night here. They're really making an effort too, big screens have allegedly been put in for the world cup this summer. My only complaints are the men's loos, which are in desperate need of renevation, and the pretty poor standard of the food.
th261 - 18 May 2010 15:15 |
Awful, awful and awful.
This place is truly terrible, firstly the staff are rude, they ID you on purpose to annoy you & they also criticise you if you put a song they don't like on the jukebox. Also the bouncers are awful, they seem intent on upsetting everyone who goes in there, even the staff! The manageress is also very up herself and rude.
Secondly you get allot of fights in here, the staff also are not perfect at dealing with someone almost injuring half of the customers of 'Pavs on a Thursday afternoon.
Thirdly the people who stay in here are generally nasty people who will steal something off you, if you let your eyes off of it for a second.
Forth, the food isn't good anymore they used to have an extremely good chef team but they have moved on to bigger and much better things now! That sums it all up nicely it used to be a good pub, when the legend that was the last boss ran it, it is now awful, they have lost all the good staff and lastly. Don't get a Yellow Card if you insist on going here, if you lose it they won't give you another and that one girl who we all know will just give you the blankest of blank stares, I have ever seen.
So to sum it all up, bad food, bad service, bad choice of drinks, average drinks and fights. It's awful so just stay away and go to the Purple Turtle or Oakford Social Club instead please!
One of the worst pubs I have come across in reading.Although a good look from outside but a bit shabby on the inside.I have been to most of the pubs in Reading and always had a good experience except this one.Me and my friends arnd the age of 30 hooped into this pub one evening for some beers.The guy at the bar asked us for an ID card...(he specifically wanted to see out International Passports)..We were thinking it was some kind a joke as none of us even looked below 30yrs...But then he turned a bit rude too telling us he had other customers to serve if we dint have the passports no drinks for us.I am not sure why did he do that but the only one reason could be that all the three of us were asian and brown skinned...and we could see the local college students getting served without an ID check.....I would not recommend this pub to any visitors like me to Reading as I felt it was the only sad place in Reading.Reading otherwise is a fab place with its beautiful town centre and fantastic people.There are other definitely better places around like Sakura(drinks and music),Yates(drinks and music) or the Tapas(spaninsh food and drinks) or the Three guineas(beer and sports) near the station is also good.
Dark and unpleasant looking from the outside and no real ale so not worth it.
Escaped from a nearby conference for an hour one evening with a few like minded individuals and went out intending to find a decent pub. We didn�t, we ended up here. Strange place, bit dingy and definitely aimed at the student crowd. Seemed quite eager to get us out the door at 11pm. One thing worthy of note is the unusually high bar, must be at least a foot higher than a standard bar counter.
Takes a long time to get served, a very long time, but its cheap so dont expect too much.
Service of the indifferent food left quite a lot to be desired, with confusions aplenty (even on a quiet lunchtime). No beer worth drinking.
The newly revamped Pavs isnt too bad.
However! I went in on friday lunch time with some mates from work for a friday pint and I got ID'd and asked to leave as i had no ID on me. IM 29!!!!
anonymous - 4 Sep 2007 13:29 |
Got kicked out here once because my mate fell asleep at the bar ordering the shant
Another hole of indescribable proportions, brimming with the usual chavs/students. Slow service, staff too interested in themselves to provide any form of acceptable service, they all need sacking. Its only saving grace is the occasional rancid waft coming in from the cheap and nasty indian fried chicken place a few doors up.....food quite suitable for the lower classes.
Ages to get served. The staff don't seem interested to serve you unless you are young. Drinks expensive.
The worst sign posted gents in the whole of Reading. Horrible internal colour scheme and not the most spacious. Wouldn't recommend it.
It's a Scream bar, so you knno what your getting into here Better than the Upin Arms though I guess.
anonymous - 24 Sep 2006 14:40 |
Squalid little hole, appalling toilets, naff uncomfertable furniture and lit like a brothel.
No ale either, just fizzy lagers and the like not even a decent bottle.
This Is a Great pub, situated convieniently miles away from The Local chav factory on friar street.
Gemma, the hottest barmaid ever to work there has left now tho, and will be missed loads
Still fantastic atmosphere, been there recently, now has two pool tables, no-smoking areas, live acoustic music, a weekly quiz night and open til 2am fri + sat nights. Staff were great, yes the service could be faster, but they are very friendly and seem to work very hard. Oh, and calling them thick is a little harsh, but I'm sure you quizzed them on general knowledge and I.Q questions to reach that conclusion? Mon night is the one to go to, �1 a pint of Carlsberg! Have it!
I juggle a day job and a bar too ill have you know and i still mange to serve people within 5 mins and in the correct order. Its not rocket science you know.
Oi how dare you rude person!! I've been working at this pub for a year and a half and the bar staff are not thick! We're mostly students and I'm in the last year of a law degree. I'd like to see you try juggling that and a bar job mate. I agree with you on the slow service tho.. unfortunately the main reason for that is that the length of the bar is really hard to work with, I certainly work my arse off so its not the staff that are slow thank you!! Think of the other busy pubs where you will be standing 3 deep from the bar for ages whereas here you are pretty much at the front straight away thus why it seems you're waiting for ages. Anyway, the places has got a wicked atmosphere and along with the Turtle is a nice retreat from the Chav Kingdom that is Reading;)
Service is so slooooooooooow. Bar staff serve friends and relatvie almost to the exclusion of any other patrons. Saying that when you do get serve it's not a bad place, excellent variety of contential lagers!! Nice to see a change from the standard fosters and stella sold almost everywhere else. In fact I think i'll score it higher for that reason.
Service is rubbish they are so slow and quite thick. But the beer is good and is a laught o go to. Cheep too
Student hangout. That's not a bad thing either - it's a genuine market, and this place satisfies it well. I only left because there was a wild-eyed vagrant drifting around the tables, shouting at himself.
I have many fond memories of get completely trashed in this pub from my time living in Reading and whenever I'm back in the area I alway pay it a visit (usually on the way to the Purple Turtle!). good crowd, mainly students and people who wish they were still students and decent music. Usual scream drinks - lager, lager, lager and suspicious looking alcopops. Cheap food too, and it's pretty good. However the service is and always will be awful.
Ok if your a student. Bottled drinks need to be A LOT COLDER!
This pub has become much better in the last year. Yes, it's a schoodent place, but it also has an ace jukebox, generous gaming machines, and a friendly staff. The clientele is pretty mixed these days, too, so you never know what you might find...it's a brighter and much less sketchy version of the turtle. I'd say the biggest downside is that when it's packed, the staff do take longer than they should to get to you. But I'm still there most weekends. Recommended.
This bar is awful the bottle drinks are warm. The beer tastes c**p and they dont have any ice. The bar staff are so slow talking to there mates seens to come first ,I had to wait 10 mins to get served when there was only 1 other person at the bar.dont go there.
rachel - 17 Aug 2004 10:14 |
Pavs is wicked spent the best 18 mths of my life there. Love it to bits big up tina,nacho and welki. I don't think its a coincidence that all the bad comments arrived AFTER i left ah well hope 2 see you there in the summer
DJ Thong - 19 May 2004 12:39 |
not a bad bar, got table football. some staff right grumpy tho, got served rotten pint recently, got told I could only have a new half cos I'd drank some off it! how good is that? not very.
captain_cool - 3 Mar 2004 10:05 |
This is an awful place with poor beer and offensive staff. With the selection of great bars in Reading this place is a definate avoid.
ray - 28 Jan 2004 21:34 |
Terrible "student grant" place. Can be useful for picking up easy college gals if out of luck everywhere else. Nothing else to recommend it.
Jelly - 29 Nov 2003 01:24 |
Just love the name of your pub-so what inspired it?? Was it the Psychologist or the St.Louis Rock Band???
Firstly, ID. It is not up to the staff what they can and can't accept, that is a decision for the management to make, and due to the large number of fake ID cards in Reading it was decided to only accept passports or driving licenses, so there is absolutely no point in getting stroppy with the staff who are only doing their jobs. Secondly, getting in a hump with the staff when they ID you will NOT get you served, so why bother?! Thirdly - to Tino, no Sam left a few months ago, Ally was running it but left on Friday, totally new management now!
Michelle - 16 Sep 2003 16:10 |
Its an ok pub, but I refuse to go there anymore because of the treatment I recieved from the bar staff. I'm 19, but they refused to accept my citazen card as proof of I.D (for a coke) and said I needed a drivers licence or a passport, when A) I'm not going to risk taking my passport with me on a night out and B) I don't drive. I was told to leave, but my friends had already bought their drinks, so I thought they'd be reasonable enough to let me wait with my friends while they finished, seeing as it was late and i'm a girl. But I was still made to wait outside - ALONE while being harrassed for money by a tramp that lives just outside. I shall be boycotting this Pub from now on and have asked my friends to do so too, unless they buck up thier ideas about what is proof of identification and what isn't - there are courses the staff can take!!!!!
I thought the uppin was way better!
Nipper - 5 Jul 2003 14:53 |
I used to be the assistant here, what a giggle it was. Is Sam still running the joint?
Tino - 1 Jul 2003 01:23 |
Please visit again !!! Staff are crazy plus a great 1 pound a drink promo on monday nights from 7pm.
"Chef" - 2 Apr 2003 01:55 |
badup yoself! feel the love, pavlov's dog. i been drinking in there 4eva and now am part of the entertainment.
tina (barman) - 19 Feb 2003 12:17 |
Been drinking in here since day one. Still the bestest pub in Reading.
Dave - 21 Oct 2002 17:03 |
i drink here innit ! lots of bud for me ! sorted geezer! YC prices for me too. love it!
Vicky from Chumleys - 20 Aug 2002 14:44 |
i work here too. ta muchly for the review!
Nacho (barman) - 20 Aug 2002 13:48 |
i work here and we've just got free net access ! cheers for the review !
the chef - 20 Aug 2002 13:46 |