Large High St pub, with a traditional air to it. Spoilt by clientele and landlord. Never have I so regretted a visit to a pub.
The Prince Albert has now re-opened with a new tenant (18 June 1012) and is much improved.
This pub ceased trading this week, together with The Charles Dickens in Broadstairs. Something to do with an Administration Order.
A pub with probably the worst rep in Broadstairs and its fairly justified. Definitely Not the most approachable clientele but relatively cosy inside and has an extremely good/nice barmaid in the form of "Nikita" which saves it from being a complete dump. 4 out of 10
Very intimidating. one to be avoided
This place has the look of a traditional and welcoming ale pub - dont be fooled. The small number of unfriendly inbreds drinking here did nothing but slate the Scots, the Welsh, Irish, Geordies and the local foreign students.(a big part of Broadstairs). whilst being happy to take their cash, though. All in the time it took to drink 2 not very well kept beers... 'This is a local bar for local people, theres nothing for you in here....:-)
Must concur. Harvey's in tip top form. Not much else going for the place.
Nice to find Harvey's Best here in an area dominated by Shepherd Neame.