please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
Unfortunately this pub is always full of completely unpredictable people in various states of conciousness as a result of ingesting either liquid or powder chemicals. Sadly, most of them look like they've taken both. The pub itself is really nice and the staff are as good as gold.
'Welcome everybody to The Tavern' oh the old Dj! do we miss him. i have heard Erjer has an entrance to his own underground network here. Apparently the 'gentleman' can float his own Guinness over from the bar. Amazing.
Did the Woman Dj really laugh out peanuts/bullets like a machine gun. so funny. Just don't tell here a joke or you will get fired. ha a bit Allan Partridge. What happens if you were to make here cry? would she create a black hole?
The Tavern is the best.
i used to go to the Tavern a few years back and loved it every time. i and my drinking associate had heard all the stories about the place and the original much larger tavern.
we used to meet some very interesting characters in there. Does any one remember a tall old guy called Mathew. he used to point to the bar when talking to us but we could never understand what he was saying. We nicknamed him 'Erjer' as that was the only sound he used to make.
Also there was a great DJ that someone may remember. he used to wear a cowboy hat and played the tambourine occasionally when doing his session. On our first ever visit he made the effort to come and shake our hands and say out loud 'a couple of new faces in here tonight'. He was great and a great reason to go down there.
We loved it there however we haven't been there for some time now.
Used to use this pub a few years ago when Pat had it. What has happened to this place? West End prices for a putrid, smelly pint served by a scrawny barman that looked like he had just woke up and crawled out of a skip! I am led to believe that the new landlord is a big Irish bloke that owns several other pubs. May I suggest that he spends more of his time here and cleans his beer lines, and his barman.