New landlord but hopefully not much else will change at this quaint back street Sheps pub.
Dave the Governor sadly leaves on June 1st A sad day indeed. Thanks for all the fun and quality ales.
4th pub of the day and a short walk from Harbour Inn, this was our first proper pub. Reportedly the oldest pub in Margate.
Shepherd and Neame pub that was extremely busy when we visited.
Master Brew & Whitstable Bay on hand pump. I opted for the Whitstable and it was a very good pint
I took part in the lunchtime meat raffle that was great fun even if I didn’t win anything, great entertainment for the while sum of £1.00!
Only stayed for 1 pint as we wanted to get up to Margate FC for our match.
A couple of my travelling party didn’t really enjoy their visit here but I did and will return on my next visit to Margate if I have the time.
Proper, friendly, old fashioned local with a pleasant interior. A bit quiet midweek, which makes one worry for its long term future. Shepherd Neame Master Brew kept just as it should be - which sadly can be a challenge to find.
Use it or lose it, traditional back street boozer, great quality Sheps ale and wonderful Landlord.
Still best pub in Margate, well done Dave! Harbour arms also worth a visit.
Good sheps pub, also new Lifeboat Ale house is nearby which is also worth a visit. Pub scene in Margate is looking up, what with the Hoy reopening as well [neither new outlets so far added to BITE]
This is one of just two Margate pubs in the 2010 CAMRA Good Beer guide, which is published next Monday. The other one is the Mechanical Elephant. I kid you not.
Best pub in Margate, beer always well kept (Sheps) friendly landlord.
Excellent pub, friendly locals, good beer and managed to park 20 yards away. Will revisit when next in town
A small two bar pub tucked away off the main road. Friendly staff and seems to have a dedicated local following. Not too far from the Winter Gardens so handy if you can't get into the Easter Beer Festival. Which is what happened to several people last year! Good beer well kept. The best pub in Margate as far I can tell. Though the competition is not all that strong!
Called in the other day and was made to feel really welcome. Landlord's partner has a Geordie accent as thick as Newcastle fog too. Excellent beer; the lastest Shep's one, just out. Apparently the brewery has lowered the strength of Spitfire.
I like the place,not the cheapest,but has character,friendly locals,and they don't move you out of the way so a food customer can sit down.
Locals pub up an alleyway just off the seafront. The oldest pub in Margate. Probably the best pub in Margate as well, although that's not really saying all that much. It's a Shepherd Neame and usually has 2 ales on including the seasonal. Definitely worth a visit as it is really rustique and a pleasant place to sink a few.