So a bit of a sense of deja vu, having drank in the jekyl and hyde in edinburgh for a number of years. No real ales on. Stella had just gone. Becks vier was tasteless pish, but that may be how it is meant to taste. Music excruitaitingly loud. Nice burners outside.
Strange kind of place. Half the handpump clips turned round even though chalkboards were still advertising said ales! Barman seemed to have taken something to make him jolly. Toilets? Haha, I'll let you find them!
Great pub has character
Been here a few times but after last visit never again. Bar staff was incredibly rude. Ordered food, Made to wait nearly an hour, then when food came, plates were "thrown" down and to top it off my friends meal was completely wrong, tried to resolve it but barmaid insisted we got what we ordered (well actually, we didnt!) then tried to charge us for the wrong meal. A senior manager came down, advised we could wait for correct meal, didnt bother waiting to see what we would end up with and walked out.
Shame as used to be fabulous.
If you visit Nottingham, this is one THE places to go to.
To my knowledge it's the last surviving Eerie Pub in the country. Client�le changes from night to night. Filled with cages, spikes and props that look like they've come from horror movies it makes for a fun pub. Music can get pretty loud at weekends, especially downstairs.
Theakston Best Bitter, reasonable price, average quality. Worth supporting with the occasional half/pint and the quality might improve and range increase. As ever though this has it's own unique character.
Only been once when visiting Nots, but I loved it. It's a rock pub, so it was my kinda thing! The toilets are hidden behind a "bookcase" which is cool, infact the pubs is decorated 'goth' like, which is cool and fits in with the music playing.
I always pop in here when i'm in nottinghm, it is the funniest pub i know, good atmosphere, echo what said about the loos hard to find and funny noisesace. noticed two handpulls on yesterday- Theakstons i wasn't drinking so not sure re quality
Walked in. Thought great pub great atmosphere terrific setting. But we wanted a meal. BIG MISTAKE. Waited 45 mins. Partners meal cold, been stood awhile and my salad had had a previous life in another time period, so sad and wilted.
at least it's original, beer ok
my 2nd home!!!!!! best palce to sink either 2 quick few but not go out or start the night off ! love the vibe,the staff(partly co zi kow known sum of em years the music .the beer! the food!
yo this pub is mint, love the music plus the kareoke on a sunday, love to bust me guts.
cheap, music is brill and the gothic scene is rite to my likeing
Ewan likes this one!
Well worth a look at this place,especially when they only have 1 person serving the whole pub....Have a look around then walk out-unless you want to hang around for 20 minutes to get a drink.....Management-what does that mean??
Excellent pub, but don't get caught out like I did by the toilets, they are hidden.
Good range of beer and the multi levels adds a new dimension.
Yes, the toilets are amusing. Yes, the burgers are good. Yes, the music is ecclectic. Yes, it has a creepy atmosphere. But the best part is the people. These are some of the most interesting people in Nottingham. The staff is always nice, even when the place is so packed we can't find a table right away...and we ALWAYS look for a vacant table on crowded nights.
Thera - 28 Sep 2006 00:03 |
Absolutely gr8 looking pub on 2 seperate levels Well worth a visit.9/10
Great pub, even though its a chain agree about the ales though, they could do with more bitters. Music can be a bit bizarre however we went in expecting rock or goth and they had experimental Jazz playing, how odd! If your not a Veggie try the monster burger its a challange and a half a real protein overload!
You'll love this pub if your a goth and like heavy metal music, loads of goths here, they always have Kerrang on the TV screen, although i do like heavy metal music so it aint such a bad thing.
To plastic for my liking and full of Goths.
anonymous - 19 Apr 2006 13:00 |
Brilliant pub - probably the only theme pub I'd happily go to. Nice staff and friendly atmosphere make it very easy to turn 1 drink into 4. Little bit expensive, and they do sometimes have a toilet attendent (sorry, but I can wash my hands without paying someone to hand me some soap), but otherwise a great place.
Great pub! Managed to find the toilets behind the bookcase, only to have some freaky sound effects which was quite amusing! Very friendly, love the chairs near the window at the front! Defo go there again!
Kerei - 18 Jul 2005 14:16 |
As chain pubs go this is a very good one. OK it maybe a gothic disneyland but you can have a fun night out here. As you can imagine there were a few of the clientel that were wearing Anarchy and Marylin Manson t-shirts but don't let that put you off. The food is very nice though the main downside is they only have John Smiths as the only bitter on offer. One of the previous postings said about finding the toilets. Well you have to push the bookcase open downstairs to get to them!
good pub - small bar - few staff - be prepared to wait
anonymous - 17 Dec 2004 23:28 |
Its a really cool pub, if your into the whole goth thing, which i am. But dont go in expecting em to play thrash metal lol
anonymous - 17 Nov 2004 20:33 |
This was one of my favourite pubs from my Uni days in Notingham and i always try to go in whenever i'm back in the area. It's not really the sort of place to go for a quiet drink but it's a great starting place if you're going out for a big night, especially to Rock City. Even though i'm a Real Ale fan i have to admit that some of the cocktails are very nice and my personal favourite is 'Sloth'. I've never tried the food though.
Si Barber - 5 Oct 2004 17:18 |
wkd pub a must if your goin to notts 4 a nite out, the cocktails are cool, and the toilets but dont wait till your drunk to go loo or you might never find them, love it :)
teresa - 10 Jun 2004 16:20 |
This is a wicked place (wicked as in good!) but the smell from the toilets keeps wafting across the room! It's not nice having to eat with that creeping up your nose!
Nicky - 9 May 2004 20:14 |
For once, a themed pub I like. The secret bookcase doorway is good but really needs maintaining as its not so cool when the door doesn't shut properly and theres a worn area on the books from where people open the door. Makes me nervous of sitting under the swinging scythe if they're not looking after stuff! Cool cocktails, friendly staff and great atmosphere. A cool pub!
Sarah - 26 Nov 2003 13:05 |
This pub rules, the talking toilets are so cool, secret bookcase everything the best pub in nottingham!! The dove and rainbow in sheffield also rules!!
K - 21 Nov 2003 10:42 |
The Pit And Pendulum is an amazing night out and if you havn't been you are missing out, everyone needs to experiecnce the eerie but sexy pub
jess - 11 Nov 2003 18:12 |
Fantastic Pub!! secret toilets behind the bookcase, skeletons buried under the stairs. The seven deadly sin cocktails will blow you away!! Dungeon feel with secluded booths even the side dishes were coffin shaped.
Alex - 30 Oct 2003 11:41 |
Gothic themed pub. Really nice atmosphere. The Seven Deadly Sins cocktails are incredible!
Alyson R - 30 Jun 2003 10:20 |