Avoid at all costs.I can not say anything that has not already been said. A total dump that needs a makeover.Didn't even have Masterbrew on when I went in and it's a Sheps pub.
I've had a trot around gillingham to find a pub that I would bring friends and family and it's not this one..rather nasty dirty and no one but a member of staff. Looked like it must have had some trouble of late...badly fitted window.. Old one had been smashed in and even with new referb it has soon got grubby.
Had been sent on a mission to find a pub for a get together on Saturday before going to watch Gills v Torquay. Believe it or not, first two pubs I tried around the Station area were closed. Ventured in to the Monarch as I saw a light on. No one in there apart from the Landlord. In conversation, he informed me that he has only just re-opened since taking over the pub and giving it a re-furb. Had a great pint of Masterbrew on handpull. Early days as still getting going again and will prob take time to get fully stocked but I would recommend locals support the new landlord.
If you are looking for trouble then this is the place for you. I pass this place every morning around 9am and there are always a large collection of hardened drinkers hanging around outside having a fag and therefore being extremely intimidating. I have ventured into the place once and witnessed a fight. A poor range of beers and an intimidating atmosphere made this an extremely unappealing place. Avoid at all costs.
Have to say I agree with HTM69. Not exactly unpleasant, but far from inspiring either. Seafood on the bar on the Sunday lunchtime I ventured in (which seemed a bit odd to me), and although it wasn't unfriendly, I don't think I'll be rushing back.
Tatty, run-down and seemingly knackered, The Monarch is just another boozer that looks like it�s on its last legs. The fact that it�s a Shepherd Neame establishment doesn�t mean jack when you�re amongst such miserable interior. I was in here last night (July 28th) and sure, the staff were friendly, clientele in jovial spirits, but there was a black cloud hanging over my stay in here last night and I�m not blaming Chas and Dave who were blaring from the speakers!
HTM69 - 29 Jul 2007 11:29 |