once called the bucket of blood
oh the krays liked it - it must have been brilliant in that case. horrid pub with horrid people all wearing heavily etched frowns on their face. unwelcoming, badly located and morbid. the worst pub i have ever been to.
anonymous - 27 Mar 2006 18:52 |
It's going to become a Drive Through Doughnut emporium. It opens on May 5th, so you can buy a bucketload while you consider who to vote for.
It's always sad to see a good pub close down so I'm not sad at all, should have been put out of its misery long ago. Should now put a lovely big cosy squishy pub there in its place that people might actually want to visit!
Jane - 17 Aug 2004 11:27 |
The pud and the cambridge rooms are two different parts of one building the cambridge rooms being added later, im not sure about after but at the time of the kray (twins)the pub was owned by a brewery and thus not up for anyone else to own (fact) the twins had a share in the cambridge rooms the actual club and not the pub. I was born and lived and spent my first eighteen years 300 yards from the pub during the twins time the cambridge arms was never owned by the twins
Nick m - 28 Jun 2004 12:45 |
as a close freind to the kray brothers they did own the bar and i know ron thought the world of it
mike - 17 Apr 2004 23:43 |
I went in for a quick lunch time drink. Must warn you, all the beer has nearly sold out!
Richard - 19 Mar 2004 20:17 |
This pub closes on 30th March 2004. You still have time to get a few in before it turns into a drive thru Macdonalds!
Richard - 19 Mar 2004 12:47 |
I have just found out that this pub is closing, and may even be replaced by a drive-thru fast food restaurant. I'm a reporter for the Wimbledon Guardian, and am trying to find out whether people will be sad to see it go. Please email me or call me on 020 8329 9339
Its true the Krays actually owned this place once, Sonny Liston was even here on opening night see below
The brothers decided to move their headquarters first from Esmeralda�s Barn to a hotel in Seven Sisters Road in Stoke Newington. Ronnie felt the need for something more grand, and so they made move to take over The Cambridge Rooms, a big restaurant on the Kingston bypass, close to the Surrey stockbroker belt. Ronnie had a long talk to the manager and an agreement was reached allowing the twins to become partners in the business. The night they consummated their takeover of the management, they held a big party. Billy Daniels broadcast a message of congratulations over loudspeakers, direct from Hollywood, and Sonny Liston, then heavyweight champion of the world attended as guest of honour.
After a raucous evening of partying, Ronnie, very drunk, insisted on driving Liston home to his room at The Dorchester Hotel in west London. Liston said afterwards, that the thirty minutes he spent in that car were the scariest moments of his life, bar none.
Krays - 10 Nov 2003 12:26 |
Used to be called the Cambridge Rooms apparently and was frequented by the terrible twins
Richardson - 10 Nov 2003 11:13 |
Heard some really bad stuff about this pub but i went in there and the bar staff were nice and friendly offered food played on the machines nice drink it was quiet and had no trouble at all and Im GAY!!! It was nice!
jay - 30 Jun 2003 14:15 |
Not been there for ten years or so, but legend has it it was the scene of some kind of Kray's action back in the day. Not surprising really - dunno how I managed to get out of there alive. Avoid, unless you're a tosser.
ElDickster - 8 Jan 2003 14:35 |
anonymous - 9 Oct 2002 12:45 |