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Bell, Ruislip

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user reviews of the Bell, Ruislip

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Does anyone use this site anymore? Most of the pubs in my area haven't been reviewed in at least a couple of years. Or maybe there isn't that much to say about Ruislip pubs.

This pub has recently had a paint job and been renamed The Bell Inn. Maybe it should have been renamed The Bell End considering some of the punters who drink in here.

I won't say too much as I've not ventured in there since it was spruced up. My God it needed it. It used to have a feel of "abandon hope all ye who enter here." A distinctly ale free zone that was crumbling from the inside out and was fairly empty on a hot Sunday afternoon when the North London derby was on. Considering that televised sport is one of the few reasons you would set foot I this place I hoped that it would have been busier.

I will comment again once I have seen the results of the rebrand and really hope that it makes a go of it,
BeerGutt - 23 Aug 2014 11:31
Spiritual twin of the Eastcote Arms.
weston - 17 Sep 2009 12:32
'The pub has an undeserved reputation for being rough' Eddie laments. Well I suppose if you did 4 years in a Nazi death camp, then the Bell's reputation might seem unfair, but sorry Eddie when someone gets shot in a pub-albeit a few years ago-it tends to diminish the pub's likeabilkity factor.
Ah that's okay I hear you say,cos the mythical Rose-the hard arse with the heart of gold cliche-is there to protect her customers from the malnourished, low IQ, lazy sun reading, racist thugs that inhabit this place. Hell on earth. Why anyone would drink here is beyond me. A fate worse than death.
weston - 16 Sep 2009 16:02
The strange thing about most of these reviews is that they're probably all true! The pub is indeed a dump, but a friendly enough one, too. It's largely the clientele rather than the staff that let it down. A greater commitment to real ale might be nice, although this unlikey to happen, given the lack of demand.
lenzarov - 26 Aug 2009 19:55
A laughable attempt to rebrand this cesspit of a pub. How much did they pay you to write that utter drivel Eddie? Bag of shite.
weston - 18 May 2009 11:40
It�s not a traditional pub. Full of TV Screens and music. Limited real ale. Saw an ad in local rag and was tempted to visit. Learned the former so didn�t bother. FAR FROM A TRADITIONAL ENGLISH PUB � Even though matey is a BNP activist. Get rid of the music/jukebox/TV, sell and look after traditional real ale and you may get there.
suzukibecks - 18 May 2009 00:27
The Bell is a rare thing these days - an unmolested and unpretentious traditional local boozer. Yet it manages to pul off the difficult trick of being more than one thing at the same time. One half has bare floors, pool tables and the sort of music that attracts betracksuited youths who communicate in text-speak. The other half is much more traditional and has a more mature crowd.

There is an unusual mix of tradesmen, business people (complete with the odd Aston Martin in the car park) and servicemen from the nearby base - mainly army, rather than RAF. At weekends it transforms itself into a live music venue and some great bands play there.

This pub has an undeserved reputation for being a bit rough. This mainly stems from the time of the previous proprieters but the current guv'nors, Dave and Rose, sorted that out years ago. Rose isn't to be trifled with! In the two years I've been visiting this pub I've only seen one scrap - and I started that!

Its not a real ale pub by any means - although they do serve a nice pint of IPA. What it is is a London boozer like I remember from my youth - and I love it.
EddieV8 - 10 Apr 2009 14:35
There's a big German Shepherd dog hanging around inside which looks a little scary but probably isn't. More scary are the locals who appear unnecessarily angry. Last time I was there drinking alfresco behind some plastic bus-stop type screens out front, an old Spitfire flew by overhead (mucking about from RAF Northolt) and I secretly hoped that it was lining up a bombing run on the pub. Then I remembered I was still in it and changed my mind.
steveruss - 20 Jun 2008 15:57
patmartin008 - 22 Oct 2007 16:23
Vastly improved pub.

Landlady Rose is welcoming and friendly. Always nice to see the owners on the public side of the bar when not working.

Used to be a shit hole as suggested before but I now happily pop in en route home after work.
imaginarynumber - 7 Jul 2007 16:14
its quite simple; dont trust pubs which have ridiculously flourescent pool tables. This pub is a total shithole as is Ruislip Gardens in general
weston - 23 Apr 2007 12:25
Went in here many moons ago, strange place, strange clientele - frequented by the met quite a bit when I was there - not sure what its like now. You could frequently see bar furniture and glass in the street opposite Ruslip Parade on many an occasion.
anonymous - 18 Nov 2006 20:31
A good old style ENGLISH BEER & Football pub,with a lovely mix of builders,locals & pikeies.BEWARE of the land lady she bites !
A.Punter - 13 Nov 2006 13:13

got anything to say about this pub?

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