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Cock Inn, Brent Eleigh

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user reviews of the Cock Inn, Brent Eleigh

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Visited this pub while staying at a holiday cottage in Suffolk. Small room with benches, bar stools and a big table. Friendly bunch of locals quickly included us in their chat. Excellent pint of Adnams bitter. Unlike any other pub you are likely to come across. Long may it remain unchanged.
johngolf11 - 20 Sep 2011 16:45
Nice unpretentious locals pub serving decent beer. This sort of 'front room' pub is a rare find. It's not the sort of place you can hide in the corner, but while I was clearly a tourist, the locals were perfectly friendly and not remotely bothered by my presence in the thick of their conversation.
KathS - 5 Apr 2011 14:20
Arrived here on a cold but sunny Monday lunchtime in October. We didn't know what to expect - most of the pubs round about were closed for the day. The pub was completely empty save for us. Beautiful beers and the food, which looked basic on the menu, was all freshly prepared and made with really top-quality ingredients. Instantly fell in love with the place, which has a fantastic time capsule feel. The youngish landlord and family are doing a great job and are obviously working very hard to boot. I can't wait to revisit this pub in what is, let's face it, a lovely part of the world. 10/10
ingrid - 10 Nov 2008 21:18
Visited on a sunny lunchtime and was v disappointed to find there were no other customers. Other slight disappointment was that the beers are no longer on gravity. The new owners have introduced a basic but adequate food menu- doorstep sandwiches or baked potatoes. Everything else is the same- the fantastic, unspoilt interior which you really won't want to leave, the tiny beer garden and the rather basic outside toilets. Beer is still very good, go for the Abbot.
edchambers - 15 May 2008 23:06
Awesome pub. Small, friendly, old, thatched, country boozer. No cooked food, no fruitys, music or machines. New landlord seems to want this wonderful pub to stay as it is. Good! This is how pubs used to be and should be! Great beer- Adnams bitter is best. Local Organic Cider (Castlings Heath) is lovely although strong and wine like. 10/10
tommyn11685 - 27 Feb 2007 23:48
This is like entering someone's private parlour. As you open the door a row of middle-aged, middle-class men will swivel round and scrutinise you. an old deal You'll order your drink and immediately be drawn into the conversation. Sit around an old deal table on benches and enjoy the good beer and the pleasantly drunken idle chit chat. The landlord always looks faintly depressed...
Stallywag - 19 Nov 2006 20:37
This gem was once quoted as the best pub in Britain, but not named least too many people found it and spoiled it. Well, it still is a gem. No food, no music, no bar billiards, no fag machines and no rowdy youngsters. Just ranting adults.
The Cock survives in a land of dwindling country pubs by refusing to cater to the fashion of the day, but, if you want superb Suffolk ale and good conversation, this is the place.
Beware, you'll get an arguement.
deemac6 - 17 Aug 2006 12:31

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