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Grand Hotel, Leigh On Sea

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user reviews of the Grand Hotel, Leigh On Sea

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

What a sad state of affairs, fifteen years ago this was just the most fantastic pub. Just shows how badly a place can go downhill with the wrong management. Terrible shame. Let's just hope someone with a bit of sense buys it up - god knows there's enough money in leigh to make a killing with a lovely pub selling good beer and decent food.
whatdoiknow - 10 Aug 2010 12:28
the grand hotel went into administration on the morning of saturday 20th december 2008.
staff didnt know they were out of a job until they turned up for work that morning.
Needless to say there are some very unhappy people just before christmas - including MTV and 3 bands that were supposed to be playing there that night! Thanks to the landlord of the Railway for allowing the gig to be held there.
Orchid (part of Punch Breweries) ran this pub, if you are interested.
the Grand could have been such a good place under the right management.
overseer - 22 Dec 2008 14:03
waynerush2112 - 15 Feb 2008 14:49
This pub has the most potential of any place I have ever been to. It has a large floor space, a big beer garden and rooms upstairs for functions and some nice hotel rooms. At the moment it is an absolute hell hole. There are never enough staff, the decor hasn't been updated in decades and every drunken idiot within a 10 mile radius has taken up residence at the bar. Someone please rescue this place!
Braz16 - 3 Dec 2007 14:56
what a toilet this place is oh so the pits
give it to someone who knows what there doing
the fella that had the billet could sort it
anonymous - 3 Oct 2007 17:27
Have to agree with the other fellah there. Whats the point of nice Victorian pub in a good area if theres never enough staff? The main bar is way too smoky (but that will all come to an end next summer). The big screens are...big. But the service spoils it.
dannycb - 18 Oct 2006 18:17

This is place is OK if you don't drink or require service of any kind.

If you fancy a beer, good luck. 3 bars, generally manned by 2 people. Different atmosphere in each bar? The only atmosphere I detected was one of quiet desparation as thirsty 'drinkers' struggled to keep their cool while trotting from room to room trying to quench their thirst.

As an antidote to binge drinking, maybe it will work - you'll grow a beard before you get drunk in this place.
goldenbeers - 22 Nov 2005 13:18
Big alternative-type rambin' old pub with 3 bars that deserves some better press by the look of the ratings...
3 bars with different atmos in each. As an occasional visit, a welcome distraction, but you'll require an aqualung to enable you to breathe in the bar with the pool table.

Remember kids, 'it's smoke wot killz'!
halpo - 22 Nov 2005 12:22

got anything to say about this pub?

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