Now reopened as a restaurant serving tacky modern cuisine with a smallish bar area that serves really expensive beer. They also close on Sunday evenings ! I am glad it is open and in use again but ... dear, dear me.
back in the late 80's used to be a kid pub I know cause I was only 17 back then they were serving people as young as 15! guess its not around anymore
This use to be a cracking pub. But closed a few years ago due to violence breaking out on regular basics at weekends. The staff were a foreign friendly bunch and there were discos at weekend.
But it all change for the worst when violence broke out on regular basics and the police were regular called out.
The resident next door to the pub had enought and force the council to tell Greene King to closed the pub. No good when you live in a block of flats and fights breaking out right on your doorstep.
This was due to reopened as restaurant. But since the credit crunch nothing has materilies.
My English Mum and American Dad met and hung out here 1944 to 1945. They are still hanging out together, only now it is in Mesa, Arizona USA. What wonderful memories they have.
LynnG - 15 Sep 2008 21:59 |
Re-opening as a hotel possibly
This pub is closed....thank God.
Bit of a shame though really. A nice big building with some great memories and huge history.
Its now shutdown
Modern roomy pub that probably has music in the evening at weekends. Food in there at lunchtime is good and the service very friendly.