Jinna - 16 Aug 2019 21:48 |
bjork - 24 Feb 2014 15:33 |
Demolished in preparation for a retirement development
Unfortunately the pub is now being demolished and will be gone in a few days. All a bit sad.
Has been closed for some time ......but still awaiting the demolition ball.
The developers got their way; very sad for Seaford but you have to say that the Beachcomber was its own worst enemy. If they had spent some time making the place clean and attractive and taken a strong line with the low-life who frequent it, the story might have been different
This seafront pub is waiting for a developer to get planning permission to replicate the ugly block of flats over the road - and it shows. Only the back bar opens and the rooms facing the sea have been locked up for years, waste of a great location, pray Tim Martin takes a fancy to it.
As previously mentioned, the location is terrific; apart from this, it's hard to think of any reason why you would visit this pub. That said, I found the Harvey's remarkably good, considering that this is to all appearances almost exclusively a lager drinkers' pub, and the bar staff were efficient and cheerful and didn't threaten to fight me or anyone else on the occasion I was there. Sadly, I'm told that the place has, in fact, had its day, and is scheduled for demolition to make way for flats or an old people's home or something. That's the way the world's going - and the pubs are going with it.
Unfriendly and has had its day. This place needs some updating.
anonymous - 16 Oct 2007 18:06 |
someone take it over. This has the crap staff that even threten to fight u when the pool table breaks and u ak them for help. Not even worth sitting out side and drinking at
I should adjunct my previous comment in case I come across as unbearably snotty. There's nothing wrong with pub clientele who wear baseball caps and have tattoos. Its just that if you're not similarly attired and walk into the bar, and it goes quiet, and everyone's giving you sideways glances, and tumbleweed starts blowing across the floor, it can be just a wee bit offputting.
Salty - 23 Sep 2005 15:02 |
A missed opportunity. Best location in Seaford - right on the beach front, but very tatty inside. Slightly intimidating bar with plenty of baseball capped, tattoed regulars. Stick with Guinness as beers only averagely kept. Worth going to on sunny day when you can sit outside, otherwise best avoided. One day someone will take this over and do something special with it - I hope.
Salty - 23 Sep 2005 12:36 |