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Litten Tree, Kingston Upon Thames

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user reviews of the Litten Tree, Kingston Upon Thames

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

This place is now a surf shop. . . . not that you can do much surfing in Kingston.

This pub used to be full to the brim with wideboys and tits but I must admit I did have the (very) odd good night here! ! ! !

It would've got an award for the worst pub toilets in Kingston...hang on...make that South West London!!!!!!
BeerGutt - 23 May 2011 13:41
please re open the litten tree i loved this pub. taff
vikvik - 27 Oct 2008 13:24
i used to love this pub and it used to be my 'office' as i called it. great atmosphere and excellnt bar managment. such a shame my fav pub had to be shut down. those calling it pond life are naive people.
vikvik - 29 Jul 2007 23:02
Good riddance. Pondlife it attracted have now been dispersed to other low-grade establishments. Pondlife 1 Containment of pondlife together in one place O.
anonymous - 26 Sep 2006 14:21
Companies House website reports Litten Tree Limited as 'Dissolved' as of 19 September. Presumably in a pint of cheap sh*tty lager?!

adamsim - 22 Sep 2006 12:56
if you search 'litten tree' in the search by name box, you'll see that a good percentage of them are now closed.
anonymous - 13 Jan 2006 23:13
and the one in epsom seems to have been bulldozed?

Mind you, the door policy there was just asking for the place to be shut down.
jon.paul - 5 Jan 2006 14:20
just like the staines one, they have also been 'stocktaking' for about 11 months.

Have the litten tree company gone bankrupt?
anonymous - 4 Jan 2006 16:50
j77 - 20 Nov 2005 13:39
anonymous - 18 Nov 2005 21:16
well, sorry, not been here in the evenings but am a regular for lunch times. cannot fault the service or the food.....Adrian is a number one barman and they have a Sandra Bullock look-alike too!!
|Would rate this pub highly (at lunch-times)
anonymous - 12 Sep 2005 01:13
This place is a hole, if you are a pickie and want a ruck then this is for you.
ian21260957148 - 17 Jun 2005 21:24
It's a toss up between the Litten Tree & The Tun for worst pub in Kingston - Litten tree just about wins it. Beer is appalling, clientele have about as much taste too. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Attracts chavs and 16 year olds - and 16 year old chavs, from what we could see. I'm always a bit iffy about pubs with bouncers on the door - shows they either get alot of trouble, or are expecting it...
LittleNicky - 31 May 2005 21:20
Only avoids the 'worst bar in kingston' tag because the Kings Ton is just round the corner
sharpe - 2 Mar 2005 14:41
CHAV CENTRAL!!!!!!! Do not go here unless evrything else in Kingston is closed and you are DYING for a beer. Rubbish music, rubbish drinks and rubbish atmosphere.
amumd - 10 Feb 2005 15:00
Welcome to the eternal division..... This place is great if you are under 20, want cheap (nasty) drinks and don't drink real beer. The food is pretty good really and the bar staf are perfectly pleasant. But this is what is generally known as a 'kids' pub (and I dont mean children). Good for the occasional lunchtime though.
Tom - 9 Jul 2004 16:48
A large pub with hardly any seating. Beer was ok as was the food but the atmosphere was rubbish.
Nige - 5 Jul 2004 12:54
I've been here once and I wasn't impressed. The atmosphere was generally lousy and it was full of loud, obnoxious chavs. I seem to remember they had some kind of two-for-one drinks offer happening though, so I didn't complain too much.
nene - 4 Jul 2004 18:27
yes i was just lucky. Been here a couple of times since and its not great. Manager switched the cricket off which a lot of the punters were watching because "they do not promote showing the cricket". Instead he put on their promotion tape on all the tv screens - one of the things this video showed is that they promote showing the cricket. What a muppet!!
anonymous - 23 Mar 2004 12:54
Went in here on Sunday - had a cracking afternoon/evening. Quick service, gorgeous barmaid, decent tunes being played, football on screens, cheapish drinks, clientele fine (apart from the odd random but you expect that on a sunday).

Reading the comments below, i guess that i just got lucky.
anonymous - 2 Mar 2004 14:20
Ages ago, I was refused entry on account of my casual footwear ("But it's a pub," "that don't matter, mate"). I shall never bother them again & suggest you do likewise.
DeviousDave - 17 Feb 2004 15:25
Scary place, scary people, Orrible.
steve - 29 Dec 2003 18:42
The beer is relatively cheap but sadly this seems to be ground zero for the kind of "youf" that makes a night out in Kingston a risky/unpleasant affair
Steve Philips - 16 Dec 2003 18:14
Had to wait ages to be served while bar staff just chatting to each other. Ended up walking out. Not a good experience. Shame considering their central location
JJ - 17 Nov 2003 01:57
hiya!! nice place, im swedish and ive been here a couple of times.. nice staff. one of them gaved me a drive "home" once when i dint have any money for a cab. im back in sweden now and a want to say hi to everyone in kingston. LOVE U!!!i really miss OCEANA great place....take care love k
kitty - 29 Oct 2003 15:17
another cram them in and floggit (this time far from) cheep place.

I like the upstairs area a lot but it is underused. Other Littern trees have comedy weeknights. Why not this one?

That said, its expensive, beers so-so and the selection boils down to larger, larger, larger, poor bitter and a harsh cider or bottles.

Littern tree is becoming the pousers/designer labels wearers weatherspoons
jon-paul - 24 Oct 2003 16:11
Ok this isn't my favourite pub can't say it's the worst! I have seen far worse at least the building looks ok compared to the Tun which has paint peeling off the walls! It does have a lot of Pikeys and CFC fans but we can't all be perfect I suppose!
Siobhan - 29 Sep 2003 16:24
Rough! Avoid avoid avoid!!!!!Skin headed tykes and their sovereign fingered ladies frequent this hideous place. The drinks are okay but its painful having a drink !
Rara - 8 Aug 2003 11:55
I avoid this one if I can. Lousy service (extremely slow at times). Is this the favourite hangout of the Kingston CFC supporters???
Audun - 10 Jul 2003 16:12
The place has cheap bad food, the service is awful especially from one particular large gentlemen serving behind the bar. There was a fight while we were there in the daytime!! Rude and arrogant staff! Dirty toilets.
Jay - 30 Jun 2003 13:28
i just LOVE this pub, and the staff..really nice place!!/im from sweden by the way...
kitty - 29 Jun 2003 19:30
I went here once. I was on my way home, it was summer, I thought it would do. What a hole. I mean, the building was alright, but the people? WTF happened here? It is either the core for Kingston's braindead masses, or it is spawning them in a back room from a concoction of sewage and yeast.
Chris - 25 Apr 2003 16:34
Absolute hole. The DJ is terrible, the beer awful and the staff are all miserable.
Angus - 19 Mar 2003 12:04
Full of the ferral youth types for which Kingston has more than its fair share.
anonymous - 11 Feb 2003 15:55
Its the best Pub by far.Its got a Great Atmosphere and Great Management!!!! All those who complain are obviously demented.And Alex the Smirnoff Ice was never �3.50, obviously you had too much to drink and wanted a free one. Keep it up Litten Tree , you guys Rock!!!
JOSEPH MENDIS - - 3 Oct 2002 09:23
Can you forward this to SFI as their website appears to be down ? How can you contact the guys that own 'Litten tree' chain ?? I am intrigued as they appear incognito aka some secret clandestine organisation. I would love to have their email address Pleeeeeez.
Mark Dowle - 30 Sep 2002 23:53
I disagree with Loz - if it closes they will go somewhere else! Keep them contained
bob - 27 Sep 2002 11:45
Terrible place full of dead beats. Have been known to charge entry for football games though why anybody would part with hard earned cash for this place is beyond me.
anonymous - 26 Sep 2002 07:46
What's the worst thing about living in a large surburban town like Kingston? For me it's the vile under-educated over-monied yoof stomping around in their expensive sneakers and stupid hair thinking that being a "hard geezar" is the only thing in the world that matters. All of them drink here. Hell, some of them even work behind the bar. If you love being among deeply hateful and unpleasant people this is the pub for you. Personally I long for the day when the license of these premises is terminated, along with the lives of the people therein.
Loz - 8 Aug 2002 22:03
A very busy and overated pub. The prices are sky high except for happy hour (�3.50 for Smirnoff Ice). The management is very poor as during my last visit, a superviser refused to cover for a bar maid (the only one serving at 8pm) while she changed into her correct uniform. This was while every inch of the bar was covered by people. Avoid this place at all costs.
Alex Marsh - 27 Jul 2002 20:48
Nice looking place, full of teens and 20 somethings. Very busy and not bad prices, not a place for a quiet pint though!
Thurstan - 18 Apr 2002 15:30

got anything to say about this pub?

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