Dog and Partridge, Yateleyback to pub details please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
Just popped into the D&P for a meal as they had just put boards out advertising food. I think they only started doing food again this week and it was fantastic! I had char grilled yoghurt marinated chicken kebabs, courgettes, mixed peppers, aubergine with Cajun potato wedges, salad and aioli (not easy to say after a couple of pints of Hop Crop!). Others in our party had the burger and the cod, clean plates all round. The beer was well kept, I had the Hop Crop (Caledonian) and others tried the Spitfire. It looks like they are getting a few real ales on in the next few weeks that I might have to sample :)
Following my review posted in Oct 2011 all went well for a while. Sadly this did not last. Good news is that the D & P is now under new management & thriving...back to being a proper local venue. Peter & Christine now run the place & look forward to a long term future at the D & P. Peter is very keen on music nights & organises his own Karaoke along with selected bands attending on various evenings. Worth a visit if you've not been before, &, for those who were dissapointed under the previous management, give it another try!
A massive turn around a surperb pub, ales are great. Refurb looks really good. Will be returning in the near future. 10/10
The Dog & Partridge, Reading Road, Yateley, Hants has recently undergone a massive make-over & the pub has been transformed into a welcoming community venue. The dart board & pool table have gone. The garden has been landscaped into a pleasant area where kids are welcome. There is a separate smoking area. Three TVs are in place. Home cooked food is now offered at very reasonable prices, (not Mondays). The landlord is Martin, & he & his team have made great efforts in a short space of time to bring this local pub back to life. I recommend a visit to the D & P.
I thought the best landlady here was valerie cook. She and david her husband tried their best here to make this pub the best in the area. They cleaned up the pub. They adhered to the licensing laws. They had the councillors coming into the pub, locals that were good locals and not troublemakers, nice people started coming into the pub, they were catering for the older generation and were putting good pub grub into the pub and making it homely. The real ale was excellent. The pub was clean and the kitchen was spotless. The food was good pub grub and nicely presented and value for money. Unfortunately david and val did not have enough time in the pub to be able to change it round but it was on its way. This pub could have been something really special if Val had had the chance to change it for the best! All the locals were welcome here!
New landlord took over 2 weeks ago. Sure he and partner will make it much better given the chance. They are friendly and approachable with ideas, give them a chance!
I should of checked before me and a group of freinds went into this pub! We popped into here as a group of girls before going else where for a pre-party drink! It is rubbish and very rough! Looked nice outside, you go into the pub and its in the oppersite! 0/10, i should of checked this site before i for a drink else where! The other reviews and the rateing out of ten say it all!!!
we ran this pub until the end of august, and barry1 never had anything good to say about the pub while we were there., his spelling is bloody awful and we still doubt whether he's actually been in the pub, if he'd gone to school as often as he says he's gone to this pub his grammar would be a lot better, (he would obviously not get a job as a reporter) and if you read his comment below, first he say's they don't do any food, then he says they need clean glasses and plates, (if they don't serve food when would he have seen a plate) barry1 is full of shit and needs to get a life, and if he knows so much about pubs , why isn't he running one ! !
It must be that bad that the local drinkers have start to drink at other pubs in Yateley!!!
Big sign outside, lease up for sale!
From the outside, it dosent look at all advertiseing!!! Its just dier! Pigeon mess all over the front of the pub, needs a good clean from top to bottem, clean those windows and edges! The Dog & Partridge letters need re-brassing, the flowers/handbaskets need to be re-done look dead. lack or no parking, a pub not a restaurtant, offers no food, just bar snacks, looks shut and unwelcomeing! dosent look advertiseing with a few people out the front smoking, swearing and with lager, cant you stick them at the back, with the front being a bit more cleaning and welcomeing? then their the inside! I will be hear all day about it, the floor being sticky and smelly, poor selection of drinks that taste like you've just weed in a glass, dirty glass to! The people are unfreindly and foul mouthed!
A truley dreadful pub! Its only for the people that dont go to other pubs, which is good, cant annoy the rest of us with their swearing and ingoreance of the sun news paper talk!
had only one short sharp drink! certainly will not be returning! takeing my money elsewhere!
If a new landlord takes over their some changes that needed to made! these are; A decent selection of Drinks Clean up the outside of pub to make more welcomeing Have a Guest Ale that changes fort-nightly A Food Menu More freindly and all Round Welcomeing Tradtional Pub Take a leaf out of popular pubs in the area Clean Glasses and plates A range, a good range of Bar Snacks Have a Bar Area and Restuartant Area A Yearly Beer Festival! Bring is Back Have a wider cliently rather than the select locals!
Its in the heart of Yateley, the rest of the centre of the village looks really pleasant, shame the pub cant match it!
I like it, great bolt-hole, real people, community minded and i like the mild which is defo not expensive!
to Haleale - WHY DO YOU BOTHER GOING IN THIS PUB AT ALL - if in fact you actually do!!!! Have noticed not the first negative comment. obviously you and olly98 are mates, firstly check your spelling, secondly sales of real ale in this pub have rocketed so would you know a good beer from a bad one, we have quite a few CAMRA people calling in from time to time who never complain and keep coming back. With regard to your comment on customers not calling in Christmas and when the Morris Dancers are here - RUBBISH the pub is packed - leads me to believe you were never really here in the first place. Perhaps you should make yourself know the next time you are in (if you actually ever really do).
this message is to haleale you keep putting bad coments on here about how bad this pub is... if you dont like it then dont keep going in there. before the somking ban this pub was really busy ... i dont belive there to be a long list of things wrong like that where im concerned. the lanlord does alot for charity and for the community !!!! the service is great the food is lovley and the lanlord is really nice !!
kdean - 17 Feb 2009 08:42 |
This pub is a truely poor pub! Everything about stands up for what a bad pub is!
Rude Staff Crap Beer Swearing Customers Dirty Toliets Expenesive Bog Standered Beers bad atmosphere The regulars stare at you when you walk in No Guest Ale Unfreindly A fowl Smell inside Needs a re-furblishment
The positive comments on here are untrue, they are only written by the landlord
Would never ever pop in here for a poo, would never bring my over half here at all!
Event on yateley green like christmas lights turning on and the morris dancers, these events attract 300/400 people plus, they either go home or go to the pub across the road the white lion!
Do you the landlord have no shame but to bring this pub upto stracth with decent beers a guest ale(s), good food, and some decent customers, you only have regualars the same small bunch that keeps you a float! and you only just keeping going!
Please for the sake of everyone, go nuts re-do the whole pub, lower the price, cut out swearing, make it a great pub that it should be, that it once was a while ago! give it some charcter, the communtiy pub that everone wants to go to!
Great Day for turning on of Yateley Christmas Lights, pub was packed out and had a fantastic atmosphere, as always! 20th December Nativity on the Green 5.30 p.m. Sorry to hear we have upset one or two but generally 98% of our customers have a great time here, beer always good, now have three real ales. Real traditional local boozer.
Its that bad here, I would not pop in here for a Poo!
Went to the christmas market on the green in Yateley on the weekend just gone! i thought maybe i would pop in have a quick pint with my mate to see if anything has changed!
Yes it has changed - from BAD to WORSE!!!
Waste of time, had our quick pint and left, went to the pub accross the road where the real ales is better and the staff are polite1
how can anyone make postive comments about the pub?
Nice to see most new reviews seem positive. Live band Sat 28th "Just Testing" should be a great evening. Sorry to read Barry 1's comments, have doubts you have actually been in this pub! Always good beer, friendly and efficient staff, great atmosphere.
i have to say that its a poor pub, rude staff, crap ales, poorly served drinks! waited ages to get served. last time i come here, no wonder their is a lot of negtive comments about the pub. this is for regualars only, it must be hard to attract new custmers to a dive like this! piss poor!!
Visited again and once again, I can only say great things about the place, the food and the management. Looking forward to the next visit.
Beer6 - 22 Apr 2008 00:00 |
great pub landlord and landlady cant fault decent beer and food try the live bands out and the quizes would recomend anyone to try this pub out
Good Live Music most Saturdays, friendly atmosphere. Pleased to say No T.V.'s blaring!! Food served until 2 p.m. Great value all day breakfast! Quiz nights Sunday and Thursday.
I popped in on a Saturday evening to see a blues rock band, Debbie Giles Undercover, and had a very good evening with a good pint or three of Bombardier.
IMHO a good pub for live music on Saturday evenings with excellent local bands like the Micky Kemp Band and Six Miles Away playing there.
poped in here for an ale or two, but just had one crappy ale that had no taste, it was poo!! Dirty pub, juke box broken, not tv's on. a very sad and boring pub! NEVER IN MY LIFE WILL I RETURN HERE!!! Shall being taken my money else where for all!
I disagree with many of the negative remarks made about this pub. I'm not a regular but I did have the pleasure to visit the place around Nov '07 and watched a fantastic band called 'The Cherries' play live. I have popped in a few times since - nice people, good beer and superb setting. Hopefully, The Cherries will play again soon.
I think this pub is for the regulars only, anyone new coming for a pint or so would be put off! I wouldnt say its a Real Ale pub at all. Its nothing like for example the Prince of Wales in Farnborough which I go regular.
The spitfire i was drinking was ok, wasnt any food avaialbe in the evening!
I am mixed feeling about his pub, I can understand points of views from the people from below!
The pub is not as good as it used to be. Has had a tidy up with new tables & chairs, new carpet and smells slighty better then before, the smell is better properly cause of the smoking ban! Its not the Full Refurblishment we were promised and all those plans that were shown to customer sounded good but never carried out!
On the Real Ale front the Theakstons Mild is rather cold, Mild is mild in tempeture and by name! The other two Bombardeir & Spitfire are average, sometimes good other times poor!
An average pub which could be better but could be worse!
Now been managing Dog @ Partridge for over a year. Have made vast improvements since being here, recently re-decorated. Good pub Grub and great entertainment. Very well kept beers contary to Mr T. Smith's comments - no complaints from our regular ale drinkers who know their stuff! well worth a visit to enjoy the friendly atmosphere.
This pub on the outside looks very nice and traditional and with the Morris Men performing on the green during the summer and on boxing days it looks inviteing! my advise would be watch the morris men and go to another pub! dont bother going in as this will spoil every thing about it! Poor Real Ale and not well kept, a dirty and in need of a refurb and just a dreadful run pub, so good a couple of years ago!
A Dreadful pub, has gone down hill, more like gone down a mountain and fast. A very poor pub indeed! three unkept ales on offer! Bombardier, Spitfire and Theakstons Mild, not worth a visit at all! A poor poor pubs, Needs Refurblishment and updateing badly!
a poor pub!
anonymous - 16 Sep 2007 11:29 |
Nice clientele, nice pub manager, nice place...nice all around.
Beer6 - 29 Jul 2007 22:19 |
This has to be the BEST pub in Yateley. This has everything i need and want in a pub, Good Beer, Sky Sports showing Live Rugby all year round, A Games Room, and Live Bands
A Shame the Beer Festival in September was Cancalled!!
I enjoy a few good ales down at this pub!!
Now Opens at 7.30am for Breakfest, Teas, and Coffees, from 11am Alchoel is Served, Monday to Friday and on Sunday the pu opens at 10am for Breakfest,Tea and Coffee 12pm Alchoel is Served.
3 Guest Ales, 7 Bottled Ales, 1 Real Cider Pool Table, Dart Board, Juke Box, Tankards, Board Games, Accomindation, Beer Garden, Seating on Village Green, 2 Bar Areas, Split Rooms, Dogs & Families Welcome, Sky Sports, TV's around all the pub, Large Screen TV at one end of the pub, Log Fires, Car Park, Bus Stop Right Outside Pub,
HQ for the Yateley Morris Men, Yateley Lions, and the St. Peters Church Bell Ringers Socitey,
Beer Festival 8th/9th/10th September - Free Entry More Than 20 Real Ales - Free Entry - Familes & Dogs Weclome
Camra Branch Surrey/Hampshire Meeting September 6th at 8.30pm All Are Welcome
Septebmer 16th Saturday 5.30pm - Massed Morris Men Dacning - Free Entry - Over 150 Morris Men Perfroming Outside the Dog & Partridge, Morris Men From all Over the UK even Morris Men From Holland and Belguim - Free Entry - Familes & Dogs Weclome
December 14th Thursday 8pm - Christmas Carols and Brass Band with Free Mulled Wine and Free Minced Pies Yateley Town Mayor turning on the Yateley Christmas Lights - Free Entry - Familes & Dogs Weclome
December 26th - Boxing Day 12pm - Tradtional Mummers Play by the Yateley Morris Men
Regular Live Bands, Discos, and DJ's Plus Bingo, Quiz Nights, Open the Box, Racing Nights,
Dog & Partridge 105 Reading Road Yateley Hampshire GU46 7LR 01252 878382
What and excallant pub, offering 3 guest ales and 1 perminant 1 ale which is Theakstons Mild
2 Beer Festivals a year affering around 20 Real Ales on each with a few ciders and perrys
Regualr Events with Yateley Morris Men
This Pub has a juke box, dart board, pool table, tankards, sky sports, TV's around the whole pub, accomindation, log fires, split rooms, 2 bar areas, beer garden, seating on village green, disabled access, toilets, Car Park, Board Games
Food Menu is great only �3.75 per meal small price for a big meal!!
Lagers, Sprits, Champagnes, Wines, Real Ales, Bottled Beers/Lagers, WKDS/Smelloff Ice's, plus Soft Drinks
Childrens Play Area in the Beer Garden,
Dogs & Families Welcome
Opening Times - Monday to Saturday - 11am to 11pm Sunday - 12pm to 10.30pm
Food Opening Times - Monday to Friday 12pm to 3pm and Sunday 12pm to 3pm
Dog & Partridge 105 Reading Road Yateley Hampshire GU46 7LR 01252 878382
Events - 4 Real Ales and 2 Real Ciders First Sunday in Every Month - Live Band at 2.30pm
April 23rd Sunday All Day - St Georges DAy Celebrations
May - "Mild In May" 2 Different Milds each week, In support of CAMRA - CAMPAIGN FOR REAL ALE -
May 1st - Bank Hoilday Monday 1pm - BBQ and Yateley Morris Men
May 20th - Saturday 8pm - Eurovison Evening
June/July Live World Cup on All TV's around the Pub
September 8th/9th/10th - All DAy over the Weekend - Beer Festival - 15+ Real Ales, 2+ Real Cider, Lives Bands, and Yateley Morris Men
September 16th - Saturday 5.30pm - Massed Morris Day of Dance - Over 100 Morris Men from Yateley, Fleet, Itchin Vallay, Thames Vallay, Holland and Belguim
December 14th - Thursday 8pm - Christmas Carols, Brass Band, Free Mulled Wine, - Turning on of the Yateley Christmas Lights
December 26th - Boxing Day 12pm - Tradional Mummers Play
In this Pub - they have a pool table, dart board, juke box, board games, sky sports, tv's around the pub, accommindation, beer gardarn, seating on village green, split bar for smoking, drinkers, food, quet area, nosiey area, regualar events throughout the year,
pub has lots of young people visitng the pub, great night out!!!
This is a Quailty Pub, serves Real Ale - London Pride, Spitfire, Newcastle Brown, Couerage Best Bitter, Couerage Light Ale, Old Peculair, Magners Irish Vintage Cider - Good Range of Ales, Beer Festival - Febuary 24th/25th/26th 2006 10+ Real Ales, 2 Real Ciders, Live Bands regularly throughout year Yateley Morris Men perform throught the Year
Great pub, good mixture of ages, very popular pub, Defintley worth a visit if your in the area! come in for a tankard of Ale