Give it a miss, get the train to Heald Green (4 minutes away) & go in the Horse & Groom right by the station!
This pub is now airside so you cant go in unless your flying
It is such a pity that the airport management are not more pro-active but I expect they are getting a massive bung for allowing this crap to continue to trade.
The usual behind the bar, low wages low intelligence. "Oi Mate you can't bring your luggage trolley in here" (this was one minute past their opening hour). No opening times advertised on the door. Bass went off just as I was ordering it, I was the first customer. I asked if it would be on soon - reply was "Don't know mate I have only just started". Yes you imbecile I know that 'cos you have only just opened!!
Very scruffy bar even though it had only just opened for business. No food, no brains! Total lack of interest in anything, just brain dead staff.
Never mind it's only a passing point, thankfully!!
great place to get shitfaced before your jollys
anonymous - 15 Dec 2007 17:35 |
"I have seen people miss flights because the pub is open and Mancs are transfixed by the flashing lights of the fruit machines rather than watching the departure screens."
Why not place bets on whether your flight departs or not? There again, the odds of leaving on time are probably worse than winning on the fruit machine in the Donkey Shite. By the way, do you think the price of their pints is somehow linked to the price of oil and conflict in the Middle East. It sure feels like it when I pass through.
The Donkey Shite: the cream of over- priced embarrassments of Manchester. But if you're a male between 40 and sixty, foolish enough to shell out twice as much cash for half as much quality, and who is oblivious to the fact that you look like a tw-t in those ridiculous long, long shorts (capris?), then fasten your seat belts because this is your Shangri La. Enjoy!
They don't have guest beers anymore - just Boddies or Bass nowadays. Still �2.70/pt last month, it is the only real ale in either terminal (I am assuming that 'Busby's real ale bar' in Terminal 2 arrivals, which I have never seen open, doesn't trade anymore).
As a fellow Manc I agree with the previous comments. I would also add that this place is a dump. Full of people who would hold up a flight and inconvenience others for the for the sake of having another pint of crap beer at high prices.
The problem with this pub is it has a monopoly within the terminals and can charge whatever it wants for crap beer. Even the Boddingtons is dodgey. But pisshead Mancs will drink anything. I have seen people miss flights because the pub is open and Mancs are transfixed by the flashing lights of the fruit machines rather than watching the departure screens. It is so funny watching someone who has realised they have missed their flight because they could not resist One More Beer. And before the Mancs complain, I am one!
Manager does not keep a good pint the problem is an high tunover,thousands passing through every day.all guest beers taste the same (not had time to settle),and at �2:70p a pint a big dissapointment