I meant Spread Eagle ... not Whaite Hart!! What a fool I am :-)
'fusedplug' good news BTW ... two other pubs in Rayleigh now have a jukebox! White Hart and Crown.
This is the only pub in Rayleigh that has a juke box. That is all it has going for it. Unless you can speak Kling - on like the regulars that have been here for the last 2 million years then you are likely to get barred or bored very quickly. 4 bar staff on at any one time sharing only 1 brain cell. Avoid at all costs ...
Only four pumps and only two beers GK Abbott & IPA very disapointing
great pub Ron Buckley of Clubkey offshore financial services spends his illgotten gains here.Gives lectures to on speedo cloking too
great pub lads
The only thing that truly lets this pub down is the distinct lack of beer. Sure you can get various lagers etc but only IPA and Abbots on tap! However the atmos is good and if your one of the locals its even better. Cute barmaids too
To be honest this pub is a bit like wallpaper paste, you need wallpaper paste to keep your wallpaper on the wall. Is that intrseting of course not, much like the pub, its nothing amazing but like wallpaper paste it stops your wallpaper of the floor.
Hadn't been in for a while so I popped in on friday night. The place seems to have two distinct areas. One bit for the kids - the part I went in by mistake - and the older clientel on the left. Beer choice was only IPA and Abbot so one weak and one strong - nothing in the midddle. Seems general as this is what they had last year. God it was noisy in there. No loud music but the locals - and I mean the older ones - were shouting! The place was very busy so good luck to them but the beer was only average and only Greene King. Lunch time food prices seemed keen on price although I don't understand how an "All day breakfast" can only be served until 2.30?
Good pub, frequented by all of my old teachers though (when they are not down the casino!) Worth a look whilst in Rayleigh.
Definately the best pub in Rayleigh, shame about the lowenbrau draught vanishing! Pukker quiz night on Thursday night 9pm
Can they bring back lowenbrau on draught ??
A pub with good atmosphere. Friendly staff, good beer.
A pub with a good atmosphere due to the high number of 'regulars'.
Food served until 3pm, never tasted a better egg & bacon sandwich anywhere else!
Beer on sale is Carlsberg & Carlsberg 'Extra Cold', Stella, Guiness 'Extra Cold', IPA, Abbotts + others