closed down as the place was rapily losing business. Went there lots in 2011-2012 and never thought i'd see it as dead as I did about a year back on a Saturday night.
The nightlife in Croydon is dieng a slow death.
Happy hour is now 5-7pm so a pint of Guinness goes from £2 to over £4 after seven as do the draft lagers. Hopefully will be returning to the original happy hour of 5-9pm soon, as I would imagine custom will tail of rapidly otherwise. When it is happy hour and all the eye candy is out behind the bar the place is buzzing. Before or after happy hour my advice is go elsewhere unless you've got money to burn.
place is crap too many people who think there hard and plus they refused entry to britsih soldiers cause they was in there uniform !!
Went there before and found the place funny. Had guys standing there at the bar in "classy" clothes thinking they were the dogs bollocks because they were in Tiger Tiger lol! its hardly the Hilton of nightclubs like some people seem to think.
just read the previous posts,as a father of a son on active duty,i too hope they go bust,shame on them.
If the report below is true about the way they treated British Soldiers then I for one hope the pub goes bust tomorrow.
As an ex-squaddie myself I find that kind of behaviour disgusting. If true the staff should hang their heads in shame.
in here now after reading about the soldiers i had my doubts about this shithole of a bar having just seen my mate being asked to remove his cap and prove he was in there already i have decided this has to be avoided like the plague and won't be back
been here twice for short while during happy hour(which is 4 hours) excellent value at this time 2 stella and a large vodka and orange for 6 quid but wuldn't stay after happy hour has ended when everything doubles in price. Packed on both times I was there. Might not go back after reading about the soldiers booted out for being in uniform thats 30+ plus they have lost in a couple weeks was going there to meet up on a birthday party before going elsewhere. I think when the birthday girl hears about that venue will change to Milan Bar next door.
I'm not sure I can find a single redeeming feature about this place. Location of choice for my misguided work mates' leaving do's/ birthday parties, I've been in here far too often for my liking and leave each time hating it a little more than before. It's a classic example of the British 'drinking barn', replete with poor quality lagers, excessive prices and those odd blokes who stand in the loos trying to flog bootlegged perfumes. There is a restaurant section at the rear and a large upstairs night-club with two or three different rooms, all playing terrible music. The story in the post below was confirmed to me by a member of Croydon's British Legion and sadly does not surprise me in the slightest. I guess the role of this place is to keep all of Croydon's fighty boys, slutty girls and wannabe gangsters out of the decent pubs and in one place. Which is fine by me as long as my colleagues can learn to give the place a wide berth.
From (also reported in the Telegraph, Mirror, Mail): Across the pond, American businesses like to offer freebies to their returning troops; turn up in uniform at a bar, bowling alley, or, er, brothel, and you're likely to be welcomed with a smile and a drink on the house. In Britain, you're more likely to be turned away: soldiers from 2nd Battalion The Rifles who trooped up to Tiger Tiger in Croydon were sent packing because their dress was too untidy. The soldiers had previously been cheered as they marched through the streets of Croydon, having been invited by the Borough in honour of local lad Danny Simpson, one of thirteen the 19 LIght Brigade have lost in Afghanistan this year. After the march they retired to Tiger Tiger for a bit of R & R, but come 8pm bar staff told them to scram, as their fatigues weren't in line with the club's strict dress code. Some went home, while some went to a nearby Primark to buy cheap civilian clobber and returned later to the bar. An over-reaction by an officious bar manager who should have bent the rules this one time? Not according to the general manager of Tiger Tiger. "it is our dress code that on Thursday nights people must come dressed in smart casual clothes", he droned. "We understand that they have just returned from Afghanistan but that is our policy". Resented by many of the Afghans they're trying to help, and treated disgracefully upon their return to Blighty; who'd be a soldier?
The Tiger now serves Real Ale to a very high standard. Normally three ales available at 'spoons prices.If one of the other Croydon pubs is not on form I am happy to have a pint in here, a tad dark for my liking, it must be those energy saving light bulbs that the sun gives away, about ten watts methinks.
Tony Harrison's experience is most strange, the majority of Croydon's pubs are busy throwing punters in !
I went there for a birthday drink about a month ago. As downstairs was very busy we went upstairs. Was pretty dead in this bar & whenever we asked for a drink - the barmen told us he didn't have the ingrediants eg, no white rum for Mojito, then no orange juice. We called it a day when he said they didn't even have either lemonade or soda!!
Also some of the bar staff are either deaf or dim.
The bouncer Pawel threatened to kick the sh*t out of me when I questioned why I needed I.D. to enter the bar despite the fact that i'm 30 years old. Pawel's superior proved equally helpful when I refused to move until i could take Pawel's details. Its another sign of Croydon's demise when you hire thugs to keep decent people out of bars, surely it should be the other way round. Its an outrage...
i tried the place a while back with my usual drinking associate. we normally go to the pubs in that little town called Bromley.
we only went there once. i asked the barmaid for '2 pints of Guinness'. she looked at me like i was a piece of dirt and said 'do we look like we serve Guinness'. i was so shocked at being spoken to like that and my mate and i looked at each other in utter amazement. i have never been back.
We drink in Bromley now were there are less bouncers. the barmaid in Walkabout asks you 'how are you' with a smile as she serves you and in the Bromley version of Lloyds the barman gives you free sample of ale to try before your buy.
This is not a pub, they don't do real beer at all and even though they claim to serve cocktails, they have no idea what a daiquiri is.
Your lager is served in a plastic because they assume you are one of Croydon's usual chavs and are about to smash it into someone's face and they have bouncers on the door at half past five in the afternoon. I think this indicates what sort of customer they expect.
It's full of teenagers and it's very loud.
Top tip. the loos on the ground floor are vile but the ones on the first floor are OK.
The bar maids are pretty but dim!
Used to be good in here when they had the over 25 policy now seems to be over run with teenagers in fancy dress?!
Relatively good happy hour but nothing you cant find elsewhere with better service.
utter utter garbage.....
Tiger Tiger was inflicted upon me last night (a friday). I think it may be up there as one of the worst pubs I've ever been to. I'd feel annoyed paying �1 to get in there let alone �7. Stick to the cocktails because they have the most alcohol in... you will need it!
romeo - 15 Dec 2007 14:27 |
I do like Tiger Tiger but I think recently it's just become the best of a bad bunch in Croydon. I remember when it opened it was meant to be quite exclusive and had a really strict door policy but it's not like that at all anymore. The door staff are really nice though and - shock horror - even smile and chat to you as you're queueing! It is overpriced but it's nice inside and the people that go there are no where near as horrific as the people you get in Lloyds or Yates. If I do end up going to Croydon, which isn't often anymore, then it's Tiger I'll head to and 99% of the time I'll have a good night.
Everytime I've been here, the service has been painful. The clientele are 'smartly' dressed pikeys/chavs, but I suppose that's one thing you can't blame the management for.............
OH MY WORD !!! This place is Chav heaven. If you have ever wanted to study the Chav close up here is the place to go. The floors are sticky, the perfume is an overpowering mix aftershave and perfume from heavily dosed up metrosexual males with bad hair and even nastier shoes and perma tanned orange girls and ironed hair. Watch your handbag and your wallet, its over priced. I will never darken its burberry coated doors again.
Horrible place, but somewhere to go on the pull if that is your bag. Was forced to go here a couple of times and suffer drinks I didn't want at high prices! If you like this kind of thing, and if you need a big friday out after a week in a grim job and get out of your scull and hopefully pull for sweaty fetid naked wrestling, make a bee line. Otherwise avoid.
anonymous - 13 Jan 2006 15:56 |
Overpriced for drinks, but food good value.
But it can take ages to get served, so that kinda mitigates the cost saving.
Only went here cos I was in a group. You're better off at the Lloyds No1 a couple of doors down
anonymous - 10 Jan 2006 04:29 |
fine at happy hour.....garbage at any other time. Can't even get a pint and have to make do with an over expensive bottle instead. Poor.
anonymous - 4 Jan 2006 15:31 |
S***hole full of a***holes. take a handbag but leave your brain at home.
anonymous - 18 Jul 2005 12:07 |
Best night Saturdays but loads of youngsters now and drink prices too high !
anonymous - 1 Jun 2005 23:30 |
Was worried that when the nearby Blue Orchid closed their clientel would take over Tiger Tiger, however this hasn't happened. Still the best in Croydon by far. Not the typical Croydon types in there, ie none of the "wot ya lorkin art?" Agreat night out for any one over 25.
it is total rubbish, been in there twice, bouncers are arseholes, the usual Croydon idiots dominate and to top it off you pay through the nose for even simple drinks like pints. Good if your ugly on the inside / act like a 12 year old after a few drinks / want to be near the kebab shop to have a fight afterwards. Go to black sheep bar / loop / the edge...all MILES better... even better dont go out in croydon - why should we put up with this S**T!
one word only - FANTASTIC
anonymous - 1 Nov 2004 16:03 |
Listen, forget what you hear from people that haven't got the required moral fibre to get in here. The place is buzzing . The music in the club area is outstanding. Funky House, 90s old skool, handbag, no attitude. Fridays is a bit quieter but more room to move around.
George - 19 Oct 2004 00:26 |
Tiger Tiger, an Institution!!!! yeah it's ova 25's, (not) they've had new management, hich aren't great, any old croydon wannabe can get in now, go to the one in London, the old manager is there now!
Emma - 30 Sep 2004 09:53 |
Congratulations, you're interested in going to Tiger Tiger.
Consider this your wake up call.
Don't go here. Stop wearing those god awful shirts and shoes. Guys - stop trying to pull girls who say "I'm ga-in toiga toiga" in the worst south london accent, girls - the men that go here are mostly date rapists.
I've been there, it was a pretty bad experience I can tell you.
Try to get get some class, London isn't too far away people. Make the effort.
ithankyou - 12 May 2004 17:24 |
Nice bar, liked the chilled rooms most. Nice decor and friendly people. A few wanabe's but after all, it is croydon so what do you expect!!!
Jo - 13 Nov 2003 13:15 |
Tiger Tiger is amazing...Its most definitely the BEST venue in Croydon you'll ever come across. The bouncers are VERY friendly which makes a change! A great night!!! Thanks Boys
Frenchy - 1 Sep 2003 22:10 |
Took 45 minutes to put my coat in the cloakroom, youcould hardly move and getting to the bar was a joke and when you did the drinks were expensive. I am sure that many of the people in there were not over 25 too!!!!
Pineapple - 14 Jul 2003 22:59 |
Not bad for Croydon if you are in one of the booths or the chilled room .... still get the usual meathead geezers with their Croydon uniform.
No point in trying to wear clothes you might actually like; nope, stick to the Croydon uniform - black jeans, black shoes, lairy designer shirt with huge logo - and you'll be fine. But it's ok apart from that.
Burtie - 12 Jul 2003 12:05 |
im affraid to say it's full of wanabees your in T.Tiger it's not hard . Mind you a suppose its better than places like Edwards which if full of attitude!
loiuse - 11 Jun 2003 09:47 |
It is good for a shopping lunch break but beware, in the evenings it turns very 'Croydon' despite the over 25 age limit. NO TRAINERS allowed! We were even meeting people for a birthday meal, had on smart clothes and smart trainers and were turned away by bouncers!
Jo - 23 May 2003 13:27 |
Its nice in there, but a bit dark. Its got a chillout room, a nightclub and other fancy named places. �3 for a bottle of bud, and you have to get it yourself!
sparky the magic piano - 24 Mar 2003 01:17 |
Very nice for Croydon! Cocktails are yummy so are the bar staff!! Sometimes gets a bit crowded so get there early!!
Bunny - 12 Mar 2003 14:33 |
Big place, remarkably classy for Croydon, and the over 25s rule helps. Get in early and you can get a nice comfy booth on the 1st floor and drink cocktails all night...
PaulyH - 5 Nov 2002 08:52 |
Over 25s, so you get no drunken loud young boppas yaking up everywhere.
Cheryl - 4 Nov 2002 18:44 |