Now a used car lot.
I used to go in this pub with my dad in the mid 70s Bert and Annie used to run the place and it was my dads local very fond memories of the place especially Christmas lunch sessions
Now demolished.
This is a crying shame. The "Dover" had the same landlord and landlady for over twenty years and was a smashing local. Decent guest ales and home cooked food was the norm. They retired, and two years later the pub is semi-derelict. There is a large catchment area for customers, especially with so many other boozers in the vicinity having closed over the years. It is also conveniently situated next to a busy road with a nearby railway station. The recession is not to blame for this closure, just gross incompetence.
Closed Down now, most of the tiles gone off the roof. Las tlandlord ruined the place I'm affraid, didn't seem to have much of a clue
The last time i visited this pub was in 1953 when statined at Mons Barracks. We went to sample the scrumpy cider that it was reowned for. The rest of the evening was a bit vague and I dont remember leaving but woke up in my bed the following day. Do you still sell it?
Passed by a few months ago and noticed the plastic flowers had gone and the place was being cleaned up (i do love the old Friary sign).Now however i here the pub is closed due to some oiks pinching all the tiles from the roof i know this ain`t the best of areas but how low can you go.
Terry - good on you for responding. I may well pop in again to see the changes you're making but to be honest the p*ssed up blokes at the bar (one of which claimed to be family of the landlord) did the place no favours at all. Cheers.
I've known Terry for quite a while now and he is right in everything he says, give him time - I'm sure he'll do the pub proud. I've had enough anonymous postings fired at my business since I've started to realise they are nothing but petty jealosy and spite - he (like me) will rise above it all.
Just one point, he is honest enough to accept any critisism personally - so if you're visiting chat to him or Jane, they're really quite nice people.
Ian, Bricklayers Arms, Ash
Hello I am Terry Howard and I took over The Dover Arms on the 8 December 2006 was told that there had been some recent feed back on the site so thought I would introduce my self. Ref Yorkies comments thank you for them they are much appreciated and I am sure if you ever visit again you will see a marked improvement in the pub however I find your comment hard about the beer as the cellar man that I used up until Thursday of this week was the same person that had been doing it for the past umpteen years but again I will take your comments on board. Ref anonymous - 29 Dec thank you for your good review but it would have been better if you put your name but never the less thank you. Ref Biker I look forward to you visiting and I hope a review will follow I am sure you will be impressed.
We have a lot of hard work to do to bring the pub up to date we have started and will continue through out 2007. We have had Sky installed to the pub and have all the games that are shown we also have a large number of real ales for all you ale drinkers out there. I look forward to see many new and old faces and your reviews and comments will very much appreciated (what ever your thoughts are).
P.S i did not rate my self.
Wow what can I say this pub has a new lease of life with the new landlord. He has a lot of hard work to do and has already given it a quick lick of paint which has brightened up the place a bit. It is now open all day which is a big improvement and the beer is just as good as it used to be. Have popped in quite a bit recently as you are always made to feel welcome and never an out sider like it used to be this is defiantly a pub to check out if it has changed quite a bit to what used to be like. Just goes to show what young blood can bring to a local!
anonymous - 29 Dec 2006 00:57 |
Oh dear. Another one to cross off the list.
Always used to be good for a decent pint to drink in a quiet environment. Went in recently to find that new owners in residence - the landlords Dad + his mates were p*ssed up in the bar being generally obnoxious. Beer wasn't in good condition either, shall not return.
Still looks like a very very quiet pub from the outside
anonymous - 18 Nov 2006 11:28 |
This has been my Local for many years and has served my wife and I well throughout those years. I believe Errol and Yvonne will be retiring in the not too distant future,and therefore things will i'm sure change a bit if the Pub still carries on Operating under new people.The Beer here has always been kept well and the Pub deserves a 10 on that aspect alone. The food tho unspectacular has always been fresh and reliably well cooked mostly by Yvonne, so an 8 for food.The clientel tho of mainly middle aged upwards with the odd younger element thrown in, have always been friendly and willing to chat openly with newcomers. Not a Lively pub no, but it does have and has had it's moments of fun and great entertainment, and Errol and Yvonne have kept the traditional old fashioned style Pub alive in the Process. I wish them well for the future in retirement and will be keeping an eye on proceedings when it's eventually taken over, hoping that not too many radical changes are made.
just moved into the area and went in on Saturday night with my wife. What a great pub! the beer was superb, had Brakespears and Hogs Back, both in superb condition. Locals were all very friendly. Would've gone in on sunday for lunch but had a huge hangover!!! Will def be my local - A good old fashioned pub
Always has a guest ale or two on and keeps them in excellent condition. If you're after a raucous night out then this isn't the venue. Very quiet but with a high regular count, they don't bite though :-)
Worth popping in for a pint if you're waiting for a train at the nearby station.
This place seemed to close for a period of time during saturday evening. Not the way to get more customers! I dont know when people go here most
Unclear about its opening hours. Slightly boring place st least in the early evening. Maybe more atmosphere later on. Least it has real ale here, the two main ones are JWT and Brakspear. Quite easy to get confused as they look similar
Will2 - 25 Sep 2005 21:29 |