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Litten Tree, Dartford

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user reviews of the Litten Tree, Dartford

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Now re-opened as the Flying Boat
footballfan - 19 Jun 2009 21:12
Now closed. The premises has been bought by Wetherspoons and it will eventually reopen as a Lloyds bar. It's progress Jim, but not as we know it.
RogerB - 28 Nov 2008 09:17
lmao at Steff's comment below(she keeps fings short n sweet lol) -(im now shuvvin steff off the chair n now its my turn 2 write) we came down 2 the pub on friday nite and had a wkd tym. Da drink selection woz gud and the service was great too..altho the cute guy behind the bar (as Stef said - Adam) sorta took my attention n i didnt pay notice 2 nefin else lol. was a wkd nite. def worth comin down. Jamie x
thfc99 - 14 Mar 2008 00:12
wicked place, wicked night. fit barman! (adam)
will be goin agen.
Steff x
Steffages - 13 Mar 2008 23:49
Three times they wouldn't let me in as I had jeans on, trainers on, though why is beyond me as it's hardly the Ritz. When I did finally get in, I took one look around at the pissed-up losers slumped over the dirty tables and walked straight out. Never again.
tallpete33 - 12 Jan 2008 12:07
this pub will cater for anything you require with the friendly smiles which are not forced onto there faces probaly the best team in dartford with crush a very close second...........!
anonymous - 10 Aug 2006 13:46
continued from last message.......... because they should work together as the quality of food is out standing
the_dancing_barman - 2 Aug 2006 09:35
whats happened to litten tree you got a new chef?????? stupid if you have
the_dancing_barman - 2 Aug 2006 09:29
the litten tree has had its up and downs but they got a new manager in there ready to take on the surrounding pubs i think he'll do well he has a good team with him who are on the ball always willing to to take that walk round town and what a difference it is having air and breath burning down it busy busy busy all night long
anonymous - 2 Aug 2006 09:27
If you like your hospital food then I definately recommend this pub!!
anonymous - 27 Jul 2006 17:12
Crap. Suffers from STS (Small Town Syndrome). Avoid. Croos the road and walk on to the Royal Oak.
PigPen_in_the_Fens - 27 Jul 2006 16:07
Everyone slates this pub but where do you all come back to for a good night out??

Where was the best atmosphere with NO trouble for Englands first World Cup game?! Yup, The Litten Tree!! Excellent day & great BBQ outside!! Go Wayne!!

anonymous - 11 Jun 2006 10:29
this pub is crap. if you arew in a group of less the 5 you will be kicked out.
anonymous - 27 May 2006 01:16
I don't mind the Litten Tree at all. It's spacious, with a good selection of drinks, though with the exception of the "special offers", is dear and is fairly quiet during the day. Whether clientele over a certain age would rate it highly on a Friday or Saturday night, is a however, a different matter. The door staff seem friendly and I haven�t personally witnessed any trouble. The music could be better though. If you like your rock 'n' roll, don't go!
HTM69 - 26 May 2006 19:27
What a dump.. this place is trying to be something its not... i was only in there for 10 mins but that was enough... the doorman have little big man syndrome and made us all feel very unwelcome... for a free house they charge a door charge on their cheap nights and then waited for 20 mins to actually get served! my advice unless you really have no style money or personality do not go to this pub.
barmandan - 11 May 2006 10:52
This place is largely for the illiterate and uneducated who think the term �great beers� stops at a pint of Stella and that the only pre-requisite of being a good barman is to be �fit�. The only good thing about the Litten Tree is that it keeps the morons out of the decent pubs. If anyone knows �anonymous� of the last posting, can they lend him a few commas and full stops. He/she seems to have lost a few.
RogerB - 22 Mar 2006 13:42
the litten tree in dartford is slow but has ideas to put them back on the map they are doing pub to club on a tuesday night that club being amerdayus....!!! lets look at the competion around the litten tree 1) crush!!! yeah that what will happen its so small 2) Bull and Vic yep the locals in there are vic and the staff well..... 3)Tollgate hill billy jim (the manager) grumpy as dot cotton when nothings happening in the squar... The litten Tree yeah you have to pay to get in but �2 aint much saturday nights they got �1.75 a drink till ten then its �2 a drink now i dont think thats to bad do you they have the best staff best uniforms well some do SATURDAY NIGHTS shool disco free entry if you wear uniform they make the effort behinf the bar one saturday guy with the shorts nice...!!! (as you read this you will see i have nicked your name) but i know me and my mates aint gonna to leave the litten tree it is the best atmoshepere in dartford BIG up to the new manager and his team
anonymous - 22 Mar 2006 13:13
Litten is back in business, I hear someone has got some good ideas up her sleeve and I suggest you come down and check em out!
Kyle - 17 Mar 2006 13:39
Come down the LITTEN!!! All the bar staff are friendly and good looking... Especially Ants!!

hulahoops69 - 2 Mar 2006 22:09
Ugggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Trendy heaven. Even the food is rubbish. Reminds me why I couldn't wait to be 18 and get the hell out of Dartford. Fellas, if you want your face booted in at the end of the night, here's your mecca. Laydeez, want to cast a bile-laden glance over your fellow Sharons' outfit in the lav then talk about it loudly to all your mates after? Bingo. It may have changed since I was last there, I do hope so.
kutiepie6662003 - 18 Feb 2006 15:23
A great place to go, Good Beer, Great food, New Dj's and new managment. I can see this venue going back to the no. 1 place to be at the weekends. Big up John n Sarah and the saturday Dj. We're Lovin it !
Party_Goer - 15 Feb 2006 14:39
Litten Tree, Dartford. What a place to go! Since they have had their refurb back in november, the tree is looking great, the food is great, entertainment is brill!! I have read the other comments on this site, sorry guys and gals but you are taking it abit far. There are chavs whereever you go!!! I understand they have a new manager now, who knows what he is doing, and is approachable (thats a big plus these days) all i can say is watch the tree it is going to be the place to be again - very soon!!! Crush bar is going to be crushed!!!!!!
theman - 3 Jan 2006 16:27
If you need a perfectly good reason not to go to the Litten Tree then just read some of the comments below. You can just picture Chris Mac and his mates who apparently �own the back of the pub on a Friday night�. God help anyone who steps on their patch. And wouldn�t you just love to be having a quiet drink with a friend while the lovely Michelle and Sexy Lady stand close by casting their eloquent observations of everyday life at the top of their voices over the pounding bass system. Hammered loves the place because it is �rammed with girls�. A quick look at his review of the Royal Oak tells us that he is (or was) married and he even has the audacity to moan that his wife and friend were ogled at! Does the word hypocrite mean anything? Just a few examples of the sort of people attracted to the Litten Tree - walk past this pub at midnight and feel very scared. I get the impression that the doormen are there to protect the people outside from the doughnut brains who are drinking inside.
RogerB - 18 Nov 2005 10:27
Chelle's back! As much as we love the Litten, I've got some gossip for ya - Fat Sam's is no longer Fat Sam's - as of next month it will be Crush! I sugeest you get your arses in gear and get there as soon as it opens cos it is goin to be excellent and the best bit is, it's going to look stunning inside and the garden, so when your there you won't even know your in Dartford! Lookin at early/mid Sept so keep your eyes open! See you there!
covill - 16 Aug 2005 12:28
I think the litten trees the hottest place to go out in Dartford. Especially friday night! Me and all the girls used to come out on a saturday but its got s**t now? It gets a bit packed in there on a friday though so its best to get down there early. Music is fantastic but mostly r&b & garage, dj kgb is sooo sexy & cute! Best thing is they have a pole on the stage, thats were you'll find me and all the girls on friday p****d out of our face!xxx
sexylady1 - 28 Mar 2005 01:26
Agree with comments about tosser bouncers - but I don't think I've ever met a bouncer who does not fall into that category so it's no real surprise. It has the typical small-town mentality of any pub that thinks it's a club - trainers and jeans aren't too popular. (Yeah, 'cos pikies don't wear shoes...)
But it is a good pub and probably the best in Dartford, as has been said. Asbolutely rammed with girls - and the bar staff do a reasonable job of handling 100 customers at once. Paying to get in is a pi**-take - but it'll hardly break the bank.
Hammered - 26 Dec 2004 20:09
we had some good work do;s at the litten tree
debs - 17 Nov 2004 16:06
Karen you're a mug, bugger off to a different pub if you don't like the litten. it's the best pub in Dartford - amateur bar personel? They're the nicest bunch you could get to serve you in Dartford and atleast you actually get served within 10 minutes and your beer isn't flat! The only assholes they let in darlin are you, so f**k off and stay out of the litten, even better f**k off outa dartford - woo! cocky biatch!
michelle - 12 Oct 2004 17:29
Anyone who doesnt like the Litten Tree is a fool. The Litten is the best place in Dartford. Me and all my mates, own the back end of that pub every friday nite!
Chris Mac - 10 Oct 2004 13:04
how dare karen call me a amatuer barman and rude is the best pub in the area get down there it will b he best night out u will ever have specially saturday night the dj is hot(big up christian
sexy barman andy - - 23 Aug 2004 16:52
The Litten tree looks really good after referbishment, I would reccomend you to go any friday, saturday or sunday, the djs play really good tunes, the new txt screen is really cool as well
anonymous - 15 Aug 2004 15:31
lets get real! its a nice place if your into rude amateur bar personel. the door supervisors look the part but unfortunately mostly stand around ignoring all the trouble. the last refurbishment caused the pub to close for a week with a grand reopenning of a new carpet. woo!! if this place didnt have a good reputation for letting in all the assholes and youngsters then it would be as busy on a weekend as it is on a week day. tragic
karen - 1 Jul 2004 14:50
Lets be honest, the Litten is a great place to go for the kind of person who likes a stylish pub! Its a legend in Dartford! the lace to be, and a great starting point for a nite out!!
jimbo - 28 Mar 2004 18:34
too me its a great place to go, dancing and soemwhere to sit (although you can never sit down) grat place to go with your gilrlies.
d - 28 Mar 2004 15:23
This pub is quite simply a legend! Beautiful! Quite and localish in the week, then thurs, fri, and sat, its packed! Perfect!! Lovely ladies too! pay a visit! Either stay in there, or move on to a club!! Good meetin palce too!!! LEGEND!!!
Jimbo - 24 Mar 2004 22:40
Litten Tree is an enjoyable pub, especially at night. Although the bouncers are strict, they only ID people who appear to look young. Personally this is the best pub in Dartford, and is the pub for you if you want a dance and laugh with your friends. My only complaint is that it can get too crowded, but shows how enjoyable the pub is.
cheryl - 24 Mar 2004 20:36
Part of a chain of Litten trees that seem to be sprouting in many medium size towns. Nothing inheritantly wrong with the place but chose your time to visit. By day it is a comfortable airy pub with a reasonable menu of standard pub-grub and the usual selection of beers, sometimes on special offers. By night it does become a magnet for the younger crowd and can be unwelcoming. Good for watching sport but not the place for a quiet chat.
RogerB - 15 Feb 2004 18:56
I live quite locally to the Litten Tree and I have been drinking their since I was old enough to. It may not be the best place in the world, but for all you moaners, if you don't like it don't go there and if you have the time to moan about it, it's you people that have the problem. As for the girlie that brought up the I.D issue, if you arn't old enough you should expect to be I.D'd, if you are old enough you should be flattered. Just go there and have fun. If someone picks a fight, it's cos you've got an attitude towards the place and the people that enjoy it there! Big up the Litten!
marina - 28 Jan 2004 16:11
The Litten Tree is ok, it ain't that bad and is the best place in Dartford. Ok, so it isn't quite as good as most places up Bexleyheath, but it's still a good night. The bouncers are a bit OTT, but It's open til 1 and there's always a good atmosphere in there. It's having a refurb at the moment and will be open again this Wednesday.
harry monk - 19 Jan 2004 10:39
People always criticise dartford, but i don't see why. I think that the Litten Tree is a good pub. never had any trouble in there. plus the majority of people are around their 20's. I'm 18 and felt that i was one of the youngest in there. Loadsa gorgeous blokes and it's open until 1am. Good stuff.
anonymous - 25 Nov 2003 21:49
Thursday nights litten tree mate, good music, good night out could do with a few more birds, they get in free and don't have to queue.......which is nice for them

The Pro - 29 Aug 2003 13:11
The litten tree used to be a great place to go at the weekends, started paying to get in after 8pm! I mean what exactly are you paying for? To watch teeny boppers on the thing they call a dance floor, over priced drinks, and lets face it not exactly a great dj. And i agree with *David's* comment about the bouncers!
Rebecca - 29 Jun 2003 18:03
Too busy, too arsey, door men think they are employed by SAS, since when do you have to pay to get into a pub in Dartford ??? Dartford isnt that great - trust me I live there. Full of tarty girls and muppet boys. One to miss - try Tollgate by Iceland. Is better.
David - 23 Jun 2003 13:04
Litten tree is great not only is the music great every one in there is freindly
meg - 11 Jun 2003 11:08
come down the litten tree, somethings happening everynight down there whether it's cheap drnx every tuesday and sunday or kareoke every wednesday! bar staff are great, atmospheres even better. check out the fit girls (or blokes) and start your night in the best way! never had a bad night in there yet!!!
michelle - 4 Jun 2003 13:46
cracking weekend pub
good week too, 5 tv's 2 big screens, great football veiwing, garden, podium, great barstaff, DJ's, Quiz's, charity days, happy hours, great atmosphere all in all excellent.
rickmccarron - 14 May 2002 13:03

got anything to say about this pub?

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